Friday 1 December 2017

القيقب المتاجرة نظام دليل

أنيمي، دليل مابلستوري، لعبة تجول، وصفة، كبار المسئولين الاقتصاديين والدروس مابلستوري صفر حرف مزدوج مهارة بناء دليل تلعب أول مابلستوري الأحمر فئة مزدوجة الأحرف، صفر (المحارب من نوع الفئة). التبديل أو علامة بين حرفين صفر ألفا وبيتا صفر لخلق يسير بخطى سريعة هجمات التحرير والسرد حركة سريعة وسوف يكون هذا متاحا فقط في صيف 2013. تبدأ مستويات البدء في مستوى 100 أيضا، صفر يستخدم قوة الوقت بدلا من مب. زيرو ألفا متخصص في هجمات الحركة والهجمات الحاسمة في حين صفر بيتا متخصص في مهارات دفاعية وهجوم شديد. يجري المتسوق من الوقت، لديهم قدرة خاصة للسيطرة على الوقت يتحدث عن شخصيات مزدوجة، you8217ll ديك اثنين من الأسلحة وكذلك 8211 تاتشي والسيف العظيم ترقية سلاح واحد سوف ترقية الآخر. زيرو ديه محاكاة التنمية حتى تتمكن من رؤية كيف زيرو كان يكبر تعلم المعركة مع الأسود ماجي صفر نظرة عامة صفر تشانجيلوغ صفر إيجابيات وسلبيات مشاركة الايجابيات الخاصة بك على هذه المهمة عليك أن تبدأ في مستوى 100 أنت don8217t تحتاج لشراء الجرع لأنك تفعل الأبراج المحصنة أن قطرات جرعة مثل مو لونغ. لا حاجة لشراء الأسلحة لأنك تحتاج فقط سيفك. إذا قمت بترقية واحدة من الأسلحة، والآخر يحصل على ترقية إلى. هناك رف الكتب التي تزيد من طموح القانون شخصية، سحر، التعاطف. الخ 3 مرات في اليوم بنسبة 5 مستويات. على نحو عشوائي. لديه حق الوصول إلى نيك الذي يعلم التلطيخ والتعدين، والأعشاب بتكلفة ميسوس والتعب. (الأسعار لا تزيد وفقا لمستوى إتقان). مساحة جرد مزدوجة. (2 صفحة مقفلة بدلا من صفحة واحدة) سلاح التكلفة المحتملة المال وعملة خاصة من قتل موبسبوسس واستكمال ميرو الأبراج المحصنة العالم. يمكن إمكانات طالما الموارد المتاحة. مشاركة سلبياتك على هذه الوظيفة فقط 2 فتحات حلقة النقدية يمكنك can8217t كسب إكس من العالم الحقيقي حتى مستوى 180. يجب عليك استكمال جميع فصول 8 من Zero8217s ستوريلين. يمكنك العثور على 8217t يجهز لائق في العالم المرآة. زيرو ستوريلين تستمر هذه القصة من شيطان Slayer8217s الماضي. شيطان القاتل القبض على آلهة الوقت قبل خيانة الأسود ماجي. وكان جميع القادة ينتظرون هذه اللحظة. الآلهة المجمدة تلد صفر من قبل آلهة الدموع ألفا وبيتا تشكلت من قبل الدموع Rhne8217s آلهة. هم إخوة وأخوات. وكان الأسود ماجي اثنين مقفلين في العالم المرآة، ووضع قائده ويل المسؤول عن الاثنين. ألفا (الذكر) ترعرعت كفارس الظل دون معرفة شقيقته التوأم، وأختتم شقيقته التوأم في 8220Shadow الوحش temple8221 كما وجدت 8220evil الوحش 8221 ألفا في وقت لاحق عن شقيقته، وفصل لها، بلاهبلاه قاتلوا ضد ويل، وبمجرد أن تصل إلى 180، يمكنك الخروج من العالم المرآة ويمكن الآن أن يكون لها وجود كامل في العالم القيقب. صفر ملاحظات يستخدم صفر نظام ثنائي الأحرف وهذا الثنائي يتكون من ألفا (ذكور) وبيتا (أنثى). وكلاهما لهما أشجار مهارة ونقاط مهارة منفصلة. صفر يمكن معركة الوحوش مع أي من الطرق التي هي وضع علامات أو مساعدة الطريق. يسمح وضع العلامات بالتناوب بين ألفا أو بيتا. كلاهما له أسلوب مختلف من الهجوم. أو يمكنك اختيار للمساعدة مما يعني أنه بعد فترة من الزمن سوف ألفا وبيتا الجمع بين قوتهم التي تسمح لك للتعامل الضرر عالية جدا. خلق من آلهة الوقت، صفر يستخدم قدرته من خلال استهلاك تف (قوة الوقت) بدلا من مب (نقاط ماجيكمانا). قوة الوقت تجديد بسرعة جدا مما يسمح لك باستمرار تفعيل العديد من المهارات. انها تجديد بمعدل مزدوج خلال وضع العلامة. يستخدم ألفا وبيتا سلاحهم الخاص وحتى هب الخاصة وقياس القدرة هي منفصلة. وسيتم تجهيز البنود النقدية على كلا حرفين. فمن الممكن على صفر لاستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من الآثار باستخدام المهارة المتتالية. هذا يسمح له للسيطرة على الوقت والتلاعب برتقالي والأوقات ديبوف، وإحياء نفسه وتصبح لا يقهر. من خلال الأرواح اللازورد واللازولي كنت قادرا على تعزيز أسلحة ألفا وبيتا في وقت واحد. صفر أيضا ميزة ما يسمى قسط الصيد، مما يتيح لك القدرة على تدريب بكفاءة وفعالية في خرائط للتخصيص. يمكنك حتى دعوة الأصدقاء باستخدام نظام الصعود إلى حزب الأصفار معبد سوف تسمح لك للانتقال إلى المناطق عبر العالم القيقب بسهولة. Zero8217s سلاح ثانوي هو في الأساس Zero8217s سلاح نفسه. على افتراض أنك في حرف ألفا، Beta8217s سلاح يعمل كسلاح الثانوي. إذا كنت في الطابع بيتا، سلاح ألفا 8217s بمثابة السلاح الثانوي. يتم تطبيق احصائيات 8217s سلاح الثانوي الثانوي. مابليستوري زيرو فيديو أيوميلوف مابلستوري الصفر الوظيفة مهارة معاينة (ألفا 038 بيتا المهارات، مساعدة العلامة) المهارات المشتركة يرجى الرجوع إلى المشتركة بناء المهارات دليل لمزيد من التفاصيل كما هو مشترك بين جميع الوظائف في مابلستوري. زيرو بيجينر المهارات دوال كومبات (باسيف) A باتل ستايل فريدة من نوعها إلى ألفا وبيتا. المستوى 1: (الوسم) أثناء الاستعداد، استخدم مهارات Zero8217s لتبديل المهاجمين. تباطؤ: 3 ثانية. (مساعدة) بعد استخدام العلامة للتبديل، لمدة تصل إلى 3 ثوان، استخدم مساعدة لدعم النار. Renne8217s نعمة (داعمة) رابط المهارة: تلقي آلهة رينيس النعم، والحد من الأضرار التي تؤخذ من الأعداء مع تجاهل جزء من دفاعهم. تعزيز هذه المهارة من خلال جمع آلهة الدمعة. المستوى 1: الضرر الواردة خفضت: 3، والدفاع تجاهلها: 2 المستوى 5: الأضرار الواردة خفضت: 15، والدفاع تجاهلها: 10 قرار الوقت (السلبي) وراثة آلهة قوة rhne8217s، مضيفا لهم لوحدك. تعزيز هذه المهارة من خلال جمع آلهة الدمعة. المستوى 1: يزيد بشكل دائم من الأضرار بمقدار 6، القوة 10، ماكس هب بنسبة 3، والسرعة القصوى 4 المستوى 5: يزيد بشكل دائم من الأضرار بمقدار 30، القوة 50، ماكس هب 15، والسرعة القصوى بنسبة 20 قوة الإلهية (تبديل) قنوات قوة المتسلمين لزيادة هجوم القوة والدفاع والمقاومة من جميع أعضاء الحزب القريبة. اضغط على مفتاح المهارة مرة أخرى لإلغاء المهارة. لا يمكن استخدامها مع السرعة الإلهية. المستوى 1: قوة الوقت التكلفة: 20، ويزيد من الأسلحة أت 20، ماجيك أت بحلول 20، سلاح الدفاع من قبل 500، الدفاع السحري من قبل 500، جميع المقاومة عنصرا من قبل 10، وجميع غير طبيعي حالة المقاومة بنسبة 10 السرعة الإلهية (تبديل) قنوات قوة المتسلسلين لزيادة سرعة الهجوم، سرعة الحركة، عدم التفاؤل، ودقة أعضاء الحزب القريبة. اضغط على مفتاح المهارة مرة أخرى لإلغاء المهارة. لا يمكن استخدامها مع القوة الإلهية. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 20، ويزيد من سرعة الحركة بنسبة 20، القفز بنسبة 10، أفوادابيليتي من قبل 300، دقة 200، وسرعة هجوم بواسطة 1 مستوى انفجار الخطوة (النشطة) ضغط الوقت المحلي للتحرك بسرعة. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 5، اضغط مفاتيح الأسهم،، ثم استخدم المهارة للتحرك في الاتجاه المقابل انقر نقرا مزدوجا،،، للتحرك في هذا الاتجاه. يمكن استخدامها على سلم أو حبل. يمكن ربط مع انفجار القفز صفر مبتدئ المهارات: كل شيء ماكسيد كل من هذه المهارات هي الحد الأقصى تلقائيا. صفر المهارات المتتالية الظل المطر (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 170 ألفا و Beta8217s هجوم الجمع. بيتا الأمطار على العدو معها السيف العظيم وقف لهم في مساراتهم، مع ألفا متابعة من الظلال، والتعامل مع الأضرار الحرجة لجميع الأهداف. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 50 8211 بيتا 8211 الأضرار: 1500، عدد الزيارات: 14، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 15 8211 ألفا 8211 الأضرار: 1500، عدد الزيارات: 4، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 15 8211 وقت التبريد: 300 ثانية دوبليتيمي (السلبي) المتطلبات: مستوى 100 عند مهاجمة العدو بمهارة، يتم تعديل مدة ويتم تقليل التباطؤ. منح تأثير برتقالي خاص اعتمادا على المهاجم. المستوى 1: يقلل Zero8217s هجوم مهارة تهدئة بنسبة 4 ثوان. (كشف برتقالي) عندما هجمات ألفا، الزيادات الحرجة بنسبة 3 لمدة 20 ثانية. يمكن كومة تصل إلى 10 مرات. (قوة باف) عندما هجمات بيتا، يزيد الضرر بنسبة 1 لمدة 20 ثانية. يمكن كومة تصل إلى 10 مرات. تأثير ل (كشف) و (قوة) لا يزال حتى عندما الموسومة. الوقت القابضة (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 120 وقت السيطرة، إعادة تعيين التباطؤ الخاص بك. تصبح عرضة للخطر لفترة قصيرة، وإزالة أي تكاليف القوة الوقت كذلك. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 10، المدة: 15 ثانية، إنفولنرابل، يعيد جميع التباطؤ 8211 وقت التبديد: 180 ثانية مستوى 4: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 10، المدة: 15 ثانية، إنفولنرابل، يعيد جميع التباطؤ 8211 وقت التبديد: 180 ثانية الوقت الترجيع الترجيع المتطلبات: مستوى 140 الحفاظ على الحاضر داخل الساعة الرملية، اللف إلى ذلك عندما تموت. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 10، عند الموت، تستهلك هذا برتقالي وإحياء في كامل هب 8211 وقت التبريد: 600 ثانية الوقت متطلبات التشويه: مستوى 110 من خلال القوى Transcendentaler8217s، تشويه الوقت في منطقة ما. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 30، المدة: 30 ثانية 8211 مشوهة المنطقة 8217s الأعداء 8211 كل 4 ثانية، بوف إلغاء، الضرر أخذت: 20 8211 مشوه Area8217s أعضاء الحزب 8211 كل 4 ثانية، حالة تأثير إلغاء 8211 وقت التبريد: 180 ثانية وقت مكثف مع قوة المتجاوز، وزيادة جميع المستخدمين قريب الهجوم البدني والهجوم السحري. (المستوى المطلوب: 200) صفر المهارات فرط: كل شيء كحد أقصى هذه المهارات هي مماثلة للمغامر فرط المهارات التي يمكنك ماكس كل منهم صفر مهارة بناء أدناه هو الأمثل للتدريب في مرآة العالم الزنزانة لمستوى 100-180 حيث كنت أقصى المهارات في تسلسل وحفظ سب (نقاط المهارة) للمهارات المتاحة التالية مقفلة لك بمجرد الوصول إلى مستوى حرف معين. عند الوصول إلى مستوى 200، سيكون لديك سب كافية لتكون قادرة على الحد الأقصى لجميع المهارات بما في ذلك المستوى 100 المهارات الهجومية الأساسية. ألفا المهارات ألفا 1st النمو السيف الطويل إتقان السيف الكبير إتقانها (السلبي) المتطلبات: مستوى 100 يزيد من إتقانها، هجوم القوة، وسرعة هجوم أسلحة طويلة نوع السيف. الأضرار، سرعة الهجوم والسرعة والقفز هي أيضا زيادة عند استخدام السيف الطويل. المستوى 1: السيف طويل دائم إتقان زيادة: 34، هجوم قوة: 23، السرعة: 12، القفز: 11، هجوم السرعة: 3 خطوة، يتجاهل 5 من الدفاع العدو. مستوى 10: السيف طويل دائم إتقان زيادة: 70، هجوم قوة: 50، سرعة: 30، القفز: 20، هجوم السرعة: 3 خطوة، يتجاهل 50 من الدفاع العدو. القمر سترايك (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 100 سلاسل ل: ثقب التوجه توجه الأعداء أقرب مع هجوم وحشي. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 3، الضرر: 135، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8 المستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 3، الضرر: 180، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8 ثقب التوجه (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 100، المستوى 1 القمر سترايك التنشيط: في حين القمر سترايك نشط تنشيط القمر سترايك مرة أخرى. يقود السيف الطويل فوارد لضرب أعداء العودة مع طرف. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 5، الضرر: 178، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8 المستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 5، الأضرار: 250، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8 سترايك ستريك (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 100، المستوى 1 ثقب اقتحام التنشيط: في حين ثقب التوجه نشط، استخدم القمر سترايك. التحرك بسرعة إلى أقرب العدو والهجوم، وإطلاق العنان لإضراب الذي يخترق ويتعرض لضرر إضافي. الهجوم الثاني: الشريحة إلى الأمام خلال الظل سترايك لاختراق صف من الأعداء. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 7، الضرر: 220، عدد الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8.: ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 220، عدد الهجمات: 1. المستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 7 ، الأضرار: 310، عدد الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8.: ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 310، عدد الهجمات: 1. ألفا النمو الثاني تعزيز الجسم (السلبي) المتطلبات: مستوى 130 يقوي الجسم ألفا 8217s و يزيد ماكس هب، ماكس قوة الوقت، والمعدل النقدي. المستوى 1: زيادة دائمة ألفا 8217s هب: 11، ماكس تايم فورس: 11، المعدل الحرج: 2 المستوى 20: الزيادات الدائمة ألفا 8217s هب: 30، أقصى قوة زمنية: 30، المعدل الحرج: 40 فلاش أكتيف (أكتيف) المتطلبات: ليفيل 110 شينز إلى: تدور القاطع يتحرك على الفور إلى الأمام، الأضرار الأضرار في المسار الخاص بك. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 9، الضرر: 270، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8. تباطؤ: 5 ثانية. مستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 9، الأضرار: 360، عدد من الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8. تباطؤ: 5 ثانية. تدور القاطع (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 115، المستوى 1 فلاش الاعتداء التنشيط: بينما فلاش الاعتداء نشط، استخدم فلاش الاعتداء. الهجمات الأعداء مع الغارات الضربات. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 11، الضرر: 330، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8 مستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 11، الأضرار: 420، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: القاطع (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 150، مستوى 10 تدور القاطع بل أكثر قوة هجوم حلقة بليد. زيادة الضرر بليد Ring8217s ويضيف شفرة أن يثقب من خلال على كلا الجانبين لمزيد من الضرر. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 11، الأضرار: 427، عدد الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (بليد) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 427، عدد الهجمات: 1. المستوى 20: : 11، الأضرار: 560، عدد الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (بليد) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، الأضرار: 560، عدد الهجمات: 1. ألفا 3 النمو وقت مولد (السلبي) المتطلبات: ، المستوى 1 المتداول الصليب يزيد Alpha8217s الوقت قوة الانتعاش السرعة. كما يمنح فرصة لاستعادة قوة الوقت عندما ألفا هجمات عدو. المستوى 1: قوة الوقت معدل الاسترداد: 11، عند الهجوم، معدل التنشيط: 6، قوة الوقت: 5 مستوى 20: قوة الوقت معدل الاسترداد: 30، عند الهجوم، معدل التنشيط: 25، قوة الوقت: 10 المتداول الصليب (النشطة) : مستوى 120 سلاسل إلى: المتداول الاعتداء يدور بسرعة عالية جدا، والقفز إلى الأمام وحتى، وقطع من خلال الأعداء في المسار الخاص بك. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 13، الأضرار: 420، عدد من الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8. تباطؤ: 10 ثانية. مستوى 20: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 13، الأضرار: 610، عدد الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8. تباطؤ: 10 ثانية المتداول المتطورة الصليب (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 160، مستوى 20 المتداول سلاسل الصليب إلى: حتى أكثر قوة هجوم الاعتداء المتداول. يزيد الضرر وتنتج 3 شفرات في آن واحد أن يثقب الأعداء اليسار، الحق وما فوق. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 15، الضرر: 655، عدد الهجمات: 6، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8. (شفرة) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 655، عدد الهجمات: 1. المستوى 30: 15، الأضرار: 800، عدد الهجمات: 6، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (بليد) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، الأضرار: 800، عدد الهجمات: 1. المتداول الاعتداء (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 130، المستوى 1 المتداول عبر التنشيط: في حين المتداول الصليب نشط، استخدم المتداول الصليب. تقدم إلى الأمام في حين الغزل بسرعة عالية. الهجمات تدق أعداء في طريقك. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 15، الضرر: 460، عدد الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8 المستوى 20: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 15، الضرر: 650، عدد الهجمات: 5، ماكس الأعداء هيت: الاعتداء (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 170، مستوى 20 المتداول الاعتداء حتى أكثر قوة هجوم الاعتداء المتداول. يزيد الضرر وتنتج 3 شفرات في آن واحد أن يثقب الأعداء اليسار، الحق وما فوق. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 15، الضرر: 655، عدد الهجمات: 6، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8. (شفرة) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 655، عدد الهجمات: 1. المستوى 30: : 15، الأضرار: 800، عدد الهجمات: 6، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (بليد) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 800، عدد الهجمات: 1. ألفا النمو الرابع الالهي الالهي (السلبي) يزيد الحد الأدنى والحد الأقصى للأضرار من ألفا 8217s الحرجة. كما يعطي فرصة لإحداث تأثير نزيف على الهدف واستعادة هب الخاص بك. المستوى 1: الزيادات الدائمة ألفا 8217s الحد الأدنى من الأضرار الحرجة: 12، الأضرار القصوى الحرجة: 12. عند مهاجمة، 6 فرصة للتسبب 105 الضرر لمدة 5 ثوانى، كل ثانية واحدة ويجدد 5 من الحد الأقصى هب المستوى 20: الزيادات الدائمة ألفا 8217s الحد الأدنى من الضرر الحرج: 50، ماكس الأضرار الحرجة: 50. عند مهاجمة، 15 فرصة للتسبب في 200 الضرر لمدة 15 ثانية، كل 1 ثانية ويجدد 10 من الحد الأقصى هب الرياح القاطع (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 140 سلاسل ل: الرياح المهاجم الهجمات الأعداء أمامك ، ويخلق دوامة في الموقع المستهدف الذي يسبب أضرار إضافية. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 17، الضرر: 260، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (دوامة) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 260 في 0.5 ثانية، عدد الهجمات: 1، المدة: 3 ثانية. 15: ثانية قوة المستوى: 17، الضرر: 350، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (دوامة) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، الأضرار: 350 في 0.5 ثانية، عدد الهجمات: 1 ، المدة: 3 ثانية. تباطؤ: 15 ثانية الرياح المهاجم (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 145، المستوى 1 الرياح كتر سلاسل إلى: العاصفة كسر التنشيط: في حين الرياح القاطع نشط، واستخدام الرياح القاطع. الهجمات الأعداء أمامك والإصدارات دوامة. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 19، الضرر: 445، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8 المستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 19، الضرر: 535، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء هيت: (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 150، المستوى 1 الرياح المهاجم التنشيط: في حين الرياح المهاجم نشطة، واستخدام الرياح القاطع. هجوم الأعداء أمامك، وخلق دوامة الذي يدفع إلى الأمام ويتناول ضرر إضافي للأعداء في طريقها. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 21، الضرر: 358، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (دوامة) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، الأضرار: 358 في 0.5 ثانية، عدد الهجمات: 2، المدة: 3 ثانية. مستوى 20: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 21، الأضرار: 510، عدد الهجمات: 4، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8. (دوامة) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 8، الأضرار: 510 لكل 0.5 ثانية، عدد الهجمات: 2، المدة: 3 ثانية. العاصفة المتقدمة استراحة (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 180، مستوى 20 عطلة العاصفة حتى أكثر قوة عطلة العاصفة. يزيد الضرر ويتيح فرصة لحالات الخدمة الفورية. كما يخلق دوامة تتحرك مع حقل صدمة، وإلحاق الضرر باستمرار على الأعداء في مكان قريب. 5، لحظة كو فرصة: 1. (دوامة) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، الأضرار: 517 في 0.5 ثانية، عدد الهجمات: 21، الأضرار: 517، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، ماكس هيتس: 2، مدة دوامة: 3 ثانية. (شوك فيلد) ماكس إنيميس هيت: 8 المدة: 1 الضرر: 183 بير 1 سيك مستوى 30: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 21، الأضرار: 720، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، ماكس الزيارات: 5، لحظة كو تشانس: 5. (دوامة ) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 8، الأضرار: 720 في 0.5 ثانية، عدد من الهجمات: 2، مدة دوامة: 3 ثانية. (شوك فيلد) ماكس إنيميس هيت: 8 المدة: 3 الأضرار: 270 في 1 ثانية ألفا سكيل بناء: كل شيء الحد الأقصى 0. سب مجانا من المستوى 100 كويست: ثقب التوجه (1)، الظل سترايك (1) 1. طويلة السيف ماستيري (1)، فلاش الاعتداء (ماكس)، سب المحفوظة (19) 4. حفظ سب حتى المستوى 115 5. سبين كتر (ماكس)، سب حفظ (24) 6. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 120 7. المتداول الصليب (ماكس)، سب المحفوظة (19) 8. المتداول الاعتداء (ماكس)، تعزيز الجسم (ماكس)، سب المحفوظة (9) 9. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 140 (11)، سب حفظ (43) 13. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 150 14. متقدمة سبين القاطع (ماكس)، العاصفة (ماكس)، سب حفظ (29) 11. حفظ سب حتى المستوى 145 12. سب (20)، حفظ سب (20) 15. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 160 16. متقدمة المتداول الصليب (ماكس)، الإلهية لير (ماكس)، حفظ سب (0) 17. المتقدمة المتداول الاعتداء (ماكس) 18. العاصفة استراحة ( (ماكس) 20 - عاصفة العواصف المتقدمة (ماكس) 20 - مهاجم الرياح (ماكس) 21. مولد الزمن (ماكس) 22. ضربة القمر (ماكس) 23. ثقب الدفع (ماكس) 24. شاد أو سترايك (ماكس) الشرح: في المستوى 100، يبدأ ألفا مع المستوى 8 طويل السيف إتقان و 0 سب. للحصول على البرنامج التعليمي، يطلب منك أولا وضع 1 نقطة في القمر سترايك. ثم يمكنك الحصول على 1 بيرس اقتحام، و 1 الظل سترايك من السعي للحصول على ألفا، ويمكنك وضع المتبقية 2 نقطة في السيف طويل إتقانها إلى الحد الأقصى لذلك. لم يتم الحد الأقصى للمهارات الهجومية 3 (مون سترايك، ثقب التوجه والظل سترايك) في مرحلة مبكرة لإنقاذ سب لمجموعات المهارات مستوى أعلى. بيتا سكيلز بيتا 1st غراوث السيف الثقيلة ماستيري السيف الطويل ماستيري (السلبي) المتطلبات: مستوى 100 يزيد من إتقانها، هجوم القوة، وسرعة هجوم الأسلحة الثقيلة نوع السيف. عندما مهاجمة مع الثقيلة نوع سلاح السيف، وزيادة الضرر مع عدد من الأعداء ضرب تنخفض. المستوى 1: السيف الثقيل الدائم إتقان زيادة 34، مدرب أت: 5، هجوم قوة: 55، هجوم السرعة: 2 خطوة. عدد أقل من الوحوش ضرب، والمزيد من الضرر سوف تفعل (6 في الوحش). المستوى 10: السيف الثقيل الدائم إتقان زيادة 70، مدرب أت: 50، هجوم قوة: 100، هجوم سرعة: 2 خطوة. وعدد أقل من الوحوش ضرب، والمزيد من الضرر سوف تفعل (15 في الوحش). ارتفاع القطع (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 100 سلاسل ل: غارة جوية تطلق الأعداء أمامك في الهواء. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 3، الضرر: 495، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6 المستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 3، الأضرار: 630، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6 إير غار (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 100، المستوى 1 ارتفاع مائل تفعيل: في حين ارتفاع مائل نشط، استخدام ارتفاع مائل الهجمات الأعداء أمامك، الداس عليها في منتصف. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 5، الضرر: 545، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6 المستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 5، الأضرار: 680، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 150، مستوى 10 قوة ختم غارة جوية أكثر قوة، مما يزيد من أضرارها وتمكينها من توليد الصدمة ضرب منطقة واسعة لأنها تجلب الأعداء على الأرض. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 5، الضرر: 695، عدد الهجمات: 3، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. (موجة صدمة) الضرر: 695، عدد الهجمات: 3، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. فرصة الصاعقة: 43 ، المدة: 3 ثانية. مستوى 20: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 5، الأضرار: 980، عدد الهجمات: 3، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. (موجة صدمة) الضرر: 980، عدد الهجمات: 3، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. فرصة صاعقة: 100 ، المدة: 3 ثانية. بيتا النمو 2 فلاش قطع (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 105 سلاسل إلى: رمي سلاح بقوة تأرجح السيف الطويل لمهاجمة أعداء متعددة أمامك. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 7، الضرر: 585، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. تباطؤ: 5 ثانية مستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 7، الضرر: 720، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. تباطؤ: 5 ثانية الصلبة الجسم (السلبي) المتطلبات: مستوى 110 يقوي Beta8217s الجسم، وتحسين الدفاع سلاح، الدفاع السحري، غير طبيعية مقاومة الحالة، كل المقاومة عنصري، ومعدل الموقف. المستوى 1: يزيد بشكل دائم احصائيات Beta8217s. سلاح الدفاع: 100، الدفاع السحري: 100، غير طبيعي وضع المقاومة: 12، كل المقاومة عنصري: 12، موقف معدل: 24 مستوى 20: يزيد بشكل دائم احصائيات Beta8217s. سلاح الدفاع: 2000، الدفاع السحري: 2000، غير طبيعي حالة المقاومة: 50، كل المقاومة العنصرية: 50، موقف معدل: 100 رمي سلاح (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 110، المستوى 1 فلاش قطع تفعيل: في حين قطع فلاش هو استخدام نشط قطع فلاش مرة أخرى. يلقي السيف العظيم الخاص بك مع كل من الخاص بك قد، الشق من خلال جميع الأعداء في طريقها. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 9، الضرر: 360، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6 المستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 9، الأضرار: 450، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6 رمي المتقدم الأسلحة (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 155، مستوى 10 رمي سلاح حتى أكثر قوة رمي هجوم سلاح. يزيد الضرر ويضيف تأثير نوكباك. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 9، الضرر: 460 كل 0.3 ثانية، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6، المدة: 4 المستوى 20: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 9، الأضرار: 650 كل 0.3 ثانية، عدد الهجمات : 2، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6، المدة: 4 بيتا 3rd النمو درع سبليت (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 130 يقوي السيف الثقيل. يمنح فرصة لتقسيم الدروع العدو وتقليل معدل الدفاع العدو عند مهاجمة. المستوى 1: عندما هجمات بيتا هناك فرصة 10 لإسقاط معدل الدفاع المستهدف 8217s بنسبة 10 لمدة 10 ثانية. يمكن أن تكون مكدسة تصل إلى 2 مرات مستوى 20: عندما هجمات بيتا هناك فرصة 20 لإسقاط معدل الدفاع المستهدف 8217s بنسبة 10 لمدة 20 ثانية. يمكن أن تكون مكدسة تصل إلى 5 مرات سائق سبين (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 115 سلاسل إلى: عجلة الرياح يستخدم الخاص بك السيوف كبيرة الوزن لتدور في مكان، وخلق دوامة التي تسحب الأعداء في. المستوى 1: قوة الوقت التكلفة: 11، الأضرار: 555، عدد من الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6. تباطؤ: 10 ثانية مستوى 20: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 11، الأضرار: 840، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. تباطؤ: نشط) المتطلبات: مستوى 125، المستوى 1 تدور سائق تفعيل: في حين يتم تنشيط سائق تدور استخدام تدور سائق مرة أخرى. تدور مثل زوبعة لفترة قصيرة والهجوم الأعداء في مكان قريب. استخدام مفاتيح الأسهم بينما الغزل للتحرك. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 13 في 1 ثانية، الضرر: 165 في 0.1 ثانية، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6، هجوم العد: 1، المدة: 3 المستوى 20: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 13 في 1 ثانية، الضرر: 260 في 0.1 سيك، ماكس إنيميس هيت: 6، هجوم العد: 1، المدة: 5 متقدم عجلة الرياح (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 165، مستوى 20 عجلة الرياح أكثر قوة بليد تيمبست، وزيادة أضرارها وتمكينها من رسم في وحوش. (1)، المدة: 5 مستوى 30: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 13 في 1 ثانية، الضرر: 440، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6، هجوم العد: 1، المدة: 7 بيتا النمو الرابع الحاجز المناعي (السلبي) المتطلبات: مستوى 165 يولد درع واقية لديه فرصة لاستيعاب الضرر لفترة قصيرة. أنت لا يقهر في اللحظة التي يتم فيها إنشاء الدرع. المستوى 1: الرد على هجمات العدو مع فرصة 6 لخلق حاجز أن كتل تصل إلى 12 ماكس هب لمدة 5 ثانية. المستوى 20: الرد على هجمات العدو مع فرصة 25 لخلق حاجز أن كتل تصل إلى 50 ماكس هب لمدة 15 ثانية. الحرجة ربط (السلبي) المتطلبات: مستوى 185 يمنح فرصة لربط الأعداء في مكان عندما هجمات بيتا. سوف ينزف الأعداء المتأثرون ويكونون أكثر عرضة لهجمات ألفاس. المستوى 1: Beta8217s هجوم ربط فرصة: 1، المدة: 2 الأهداف لديها 30 معدل نقدي إضافي عندما هجمات ألفا. سينتهي تأثير الربط بعد إلحاق الضرر بما يتناسب مع مدة التأثير المتبقية. أهداف هذه المهارة 8217s تأثير سوف تكون في مأمن من الارتباط الحرج لمدة 15 ثانية. المستوى 20: Beta8217s هجوم ربط فرصة: 10، المدة: 5. الأهداف لديها 30 معدل نقدي إضافي عندما هجمات ألفا. سينتهي تأثير الربط بعد إلحاق الضرر بما يتناسب مع مدة التأثير المتبقية. أهداف هذه المهارة 8217s تأثير سوف تكون في مأمن من الارتباط الحرج لمدة 15 ثانية. جيغا تحطم (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 135 سلاسل إلى: سقوط نجوم مطرقة الأرض مع سيفك لمهاجمة الأعداء الأمامية. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 15، الضرر: 630، عدد من الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. تباطؤ: 15 ثانية. مستوى 10: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 15، الضرر: 810، عدد الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. تباطؤ: 15 ثانية سقوط النجوم (النشطة) المتطلبات: مستوى 140، المستوى 1 جيغا تحطم تفعيل: في حين جيغا تحطم نشط استخدام جيغا تحطم مرة أخرى يقفز في الهواء، والقيادة سيفك في الأرض في ضربة حاسمة واحدة. يخلق صدمة على التأثير الذي لا الضرر. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 17، الأضرار: 630، عدد من الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. (موجة صدمة) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6، الأضرار: 630، عدد الهجمات: 1. المستوى 10: 6، الأضرار: 720، عدد الهجمات: 1. كسر الأرض (النشطة) متطلبات: مستوى 145، ضرر: 720، عدد من الهجمات: 2، ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6. (موجة صدمة) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: المستوى 1 الوقوع ستار التنشيط: في حين جيغا تحطم نشط، استخدم هبوط النجم. يقفز عالية في الهواء، اسقاط السيف العظيم من الصعب بما فيه الكفاية لتقسيم الأرض تحتها. يخلق صدمة على التأثير الذي لا الضرر. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 19، الأضرار: 620، عدد الهجمات: 3، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6. (موجة صدمة) ماكس الأعداء ضرب: 6، الأضرار: 620، عدد الهجمات: 3. المستوى 20: : 19، الأضرار: 810، عدد الهجمات: 3، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6. (موجة الصدمة) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6، الأضرار: 810، عدد الهجمات: 3. متطلبات متقدمة كسر الأرض (النشطة) ، المستوى 20 كسر الأرض حتى أقوى أقوى. يزيد الضرر ويتيح فرصة لحالات الخدمة الفورية. كما يخلق حقل صدمة على الأرض، وإلحاق الضرر باستمرار على الأعداء في مكان قريب. المستوى 1: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 19، الأضرار: 817، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6، ماكس الزيارات: 4، لحظة كو فرصة: 6. (موجة صدمة) ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6، الأضرار: 817، عدد الهجمات: 3. (شوك فيلد) ماكس إنيميس هيت: 6 المدة: 2 الأضرار: 255 بير 1 سيك مستوى 30: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 19، الأضرار: 1020، ماكس الأعداء هيت: 6، ماكس الفعالية: 4، لحظة كو فرصة: 10. (صدمة (6)، الأضرار: 1020، عدد الهجمات: 3. (حقل الصدمة) ماكس إنيميس هيت: 6 المدة: 5 الأضرار: 400 بير 1 سيك بيتا سكيل بناء: كل شيء كحد أقصى 0. مجانا سب من مستوى 100 كويست : غارة جوية (2) 1. السيف الثقيلة ماستيري (ماكس)، ارتفاع مائل (1) 2. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 105 3. قطع فلاش (ماكس) 4. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 110 5. الجسم الصلب (ماكس) 6. (ماكس) 7. غارة جوية (5) 8. سائق سبين (1) 9. غارة جوية (ماكس) 10. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 125 11. عجلة الرياح (ماكس) 12. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 130 13. درع سبليت (1) 14. حفظ سب حتى المستوى 135 15. جيغا تحطم (ماكس) 16. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 140 17. سقوط النجوم (ماكس) 18. حفظ سب حتى مستوى 145 19. الأرض بريف (ماكس) 20. حفظ سب حتى المستوى 150 13. شغب الهواء (ماكس) 14. رمي سلاح (ماكس) 15. متقدمة رمي سلاح (ماكس) 16. متقدمة عجلة الرياح (1) 17. الحاجز المناعي (ماكس) 18. (20) .20 (20) سائق درع (20) .21 سائق الربط الدوار (ماكس) 22. سائق الدوران (ماكس) 23. سبليت درع (ماكس) 24. شرح الريح المتقدم (ماكس) : في مستوى 100، بيتا يبدأ مع مستوى 8 الثقيلة السيف إتقانها و 0 سب. البرنامج التعليمي المقبل لبيتا (بعد ألفا)، يطلب منك وضع 1 ليرة سورية (نقطة المهارة) في ارتفاع مائل، وتحصل على 2 غارة جوية من البرنامج التعليمي. ويمكن بعد ذلك وضع 2 ليرة سورية المتبقية في السيف الثقيلة إتقانها بعد ذلك إلى الحد الأقصى لذلك. لم يتم الحد الأقصى للمهارات الهجومية 2 (ارتفاع مائل، غارة جوية) في مرحلة مبكرة لأنه لانقاذ سب لمجموعات المهارات مستوى أعلى. إذا وجدت نفسك الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها مهارات مهاجمة الأساسية. ألفا 038 بيتا هايبر ستاتس زيرو 5th جوب سكيلز يرجى الرجوع إلى مابليستوري 5th جوب سكيلز غايد لمزيد من التفاصيل حول نوى المهارات والنوى الخاصة والنوى تعزيز الصفر مهارة النوى كرونو كسر استراحة كسر يتجمد الوقت ويتجاوز الحد. ربطها لمدة محددة. هذه المهارات أهداف مقاومة تأثير ربط لمدة 90 ثانية، ولا يمكن أن تكون ملزمة بالصدمة النفسية وغيرها من المهارات. بعد انتهاء المهارة، يسبب مقاومة الأضرار النهائية، الأعداء في الدول التي تتجاهل الهجمات والأضرار تأمل معطوبة، ولكن هذا الضرر لا يمكن أن تقتل الأعداء. المستوى 1: قوة الوقت التكلفة: 50، هجمات تصل إلى 15 الأعداء في 415 الضرر 5 مرات. وتلتزم الأهداف لمدة 10 ثانية. الأضرار الناجمة عن الهجمات عندما يتم تنشيط المهارات يزيد ربط مدة تصل إلى 100. باستثناء المهارات التي لا تتأثر الآثار إعادة الضبط، والمهارات الأخرى تبريد بسرعة ينخفض ​​بنسبة 200 لمدة 30 ثانية. هجوم سرعة يزيد مستويين، زيادات الأضرار النهائية بنسبة 15. أيضا، مهارة يبطئ الأعداء القريبة. إذا كان هناك أعداء على قيد الحياة عندما تنتهي المهارة، يتلقى 20 من الأصفار الضرر 15 مرة في حين أن المهارة تستمر. تباطؤ: 240 ثانية. مستوى 25: الوقت قوة التكلفة: 50، هجمات تصل إلى 15 الأعداء في 775 الضرر 5 مرات. وتلتزم الأهداف لمدة 10 ثانية. الأضرار الناجمة عن الهجمات عندما يتم تنشيط المهارات يزيد ربط مدة تصل إلى 100. باستثناء المهارات التي لا تتأثر تأثيرات إعادة الضبط، والمهارات الأخرى تبريد بسرعة ينخفض ​​بمقدار 240 لمدة 42 ثانية. سرعة الهجوم يزيد مستويين، يزيد الأضرار النهائية بنسبة 20. أيضا، مهارة يبطئ الأعداء القريبة. إذا كان هناك أعداء على قيد الحياة عندما تنتهي المهارة، يتلقى 20 من الأصفار الضرر 15 مرة في حين أن المهارة تستمر. Cooldown: 240 sec Joint Attack Alpha and Beta link attack enemies. While holding the skill key down, the link attack will continue. When all of the link attacks are complete or the key is released, immediately use a cooperative attack. Level 1: Consumes 80 Time Force. Link attacks hit up to 12 enemies. You will be invincible while casting this skill. Cooldown: 150 seconds. Beta Link: 1st attack deals 1820 damage 2 times, 2nd attack 868 damage 6 times, 3rd attack 3380 damage 2 times. Alpha Link: 1st attack deals 910 damage 4 times, 2nd attack 868 damage 6 times, 3rd attack 1690 damage 4 times. Cooperative Attack: deals 3120 damage 10 times with an additional 100 defense ignore. Level 25: Consumes 80 Time Force. Link attacks hit up to 12 enemies. You will be invincible while casting this skill. Cooldown: 150 seconds. Beta Link: 1st attack deals 3500 damage 2 times, 2nd attack 1660 damage 6 times, 3rd attack 6500 damage 2 times. Alpha Link: 1st attack deals 1750 damage 4 times, 2nd attack 1660 damage 6 times, 3rd attack 3250 damage 4 times. Cooperative Attack: deals 6000 damage 10 times with an additional 100 defense ignore. Zero Enhancement Cores Upper Slash (3 per level) Power Stomp (3 per level) Moon Strike 3( per level) Pierce Thrust (3 per level) Shadow Strike (3 per level) Front Slash (2 per level) Throwing Weapon (2 per level) does not receive 1 monsters hit Flash Assaulter (2 per level) Spin Cutter (2 per level) Turning Drive (2 per level) Wheel Wind (2 per level) Rolling Curve (2 per level) Rolling Assaulter (2 per level) Giga Crash (2 per level) Jumping Crash (2 per level) Earth Break 2( per level) Wind Cutter (2 per level) Wind Strike (2 per level) Storm Break (2 per level) Shadow Rain (2 per level) does not receive 1 monsters hit MapleStory Old To New Official Skill Names Alpha Skills Tachi Mastery Long Sword Mastery Moon Strike (SAME) Pierce Thrust Piercing Thrust Shadow Strike (SAME) Flash Assaulter Flash Assault Spin Cutter (SAME) Advanced Spin Cutter (SAME) Beta Skills Great Sword Mastery Heavy Sword Mastery Upper Slash Rising Slash Power Stomp Air Raid Advanced Power Stomp Air R iot Front Slash Flash Cut Solid Body (SAME) Throwing Weapon (SAME) Advanced Throwing Weapon (SAME) Armor Split (SAME) Immune Barrier (SAME) Critical Bind (SAME) Solid Body (SAME) Turning Drive Spin Driver Whirl Wind Wheel Wind Advanced Whirl Wind Advanced Wheel Wind Giga Crash (SAME) Jumping Crash Falling Star Earth Break (SAME) Advanced Earth Break (SAME) Zero 5th Job Skills Limit Break Chrono Break Limit Break Joint Attack . Zero Activation Combo Overview Zero utilizes a combination combo system that will allow them to perform powerful and spectacular combos by just pressing one attack key. Each attack will belong in a preset combination and by repeatedly pressing the key for the first attack in the combination, the follow up attacks will be performed. For example by just using the skill Moon Strike, the first attack will be Moon Strike, followed by Piercing Thrust, and ending with Shadow Strike. Note: The Advanced skill version will replace the Basic version once you have unlocked them (e. g. Spin Cutter replaced with Advanced Spin Cutter). It8217s recommended that the keyboard layout should have at least 2 main skills from Alpha and Beta for quick assisttag combo while compensating the skill cooldown. Alpha Activation Combo Skills 1. Moon Strike x3: Moon Strike Piercing Thrust Shadow Strike (0s) 2. Flash Assault x2: Flash Assault Spin Cutter (5s) 3. Rolling Cross x2: Rolling Cross Rolling Assault (10s) 4. Wind Cutter x3: Wind Cutter Wind Striker Storm Break (15s) Beta Activation Combo Skills 1. Rising Slash x2: Rising Slash Air Raid (0s) 2. Flash Cut x2: Flash Cut Throwing Weapon (5s) 3. Spin Driver x2: Spin Driver Wheel Wind (10s) 4. Giga Crash x3: Giga Crash Falling Star Earth Break (15s) Mixing Alpha Beta Activation Combo Skills 1. Boss-1: Rolling Cross x2 Wind Cutter x3 Giga Crash x3 Spin Driver x2 2. Boss-2: Rolling Cross x2 Wind Cutter x3 Flash Cut x2 Giga Crash x3 3. Train-1: Wind Cutter x3 Flash Assault x2 Rolling Cross x2 Giga Crash x3 4. Train-2: Spin Driver x2 Flash Cut x2 5. Train-3: Wind Cutter x3 Rolling Cross x2 Giga Crash x3 Spin Driver x2 6. Boss-3: Wind Cutter x3 Rolling Cross x2 Spin Driver x2 Falling Star Earth Break Spin Driver x1 Ex planation: You can hold on to Wheel Wind for 3-7 seconds and repeat to provide ample time for other skill8217s cooldown to reset. For Boss-3 method: You can repeat this combo without a second in delay because of how cooldown reduces with each hit. Some may feel that Flash Assault doesn8217t provide as much DPS (Damage per Second) and have avoided it. The true benefit to using this is ONLY during tag bonus in order to benefit from alpha8217s throwing weapon assist bonus. Zero Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: Does Zero start at Lv. 100 A: Zero starts as Lv. 100 in the Mirror World. Q: What is Zeros character card effect A: Bonus EXP increase from 4 up to 10. Lv. 110 4 bonus EXP Lv. 130 6 bonus EXP Lv. 160 8 bonus EXP Lv. 200 10 bonus EXP Q: Does Zero have a Link Skill A: Yes, Zeros Link Skill is called Rhinnes Blessing. It decreases damage taken from monsters by a percentage and allows you to ignore a percentage of a monsters defense. Zeros Link Skill has 5 levels. You can raise the level by finding Tears of the Goddess which can be found in Zeros story line. At level 5, Rhinnes Blessing decreases damage taken from monsters by 15 and allows you to ignore 10 of a monsters defense. Q: Is Zero a limited class A: Yes, for Korea it is only available during the summer of 2013. Whether Nexon will re-release it after the summer is up to them. Q: What weapon does Zero use A: Alpha uses the Long Sword and Beta uses the Great Sword. These are entirely new type of weapons, but they count as two-handed. Q: What is Zeros main stat A: Zero is a warrior. The primary stat of a warrior is STR. Q: Does Zero have hyper skills A: No, but Zero has Transcendent Skills. Since Zero is an offspring of Rhinne and the new Transcendent of Time, it can utilize the power of time through these special skills. Transcendent skills are acquired at level 100, 110, 120, 140, 170 and 200. Q: How do you recover TF (Time Force) A: TF is regenerated automatically very fast. If you are using Tag as your attacking style, you regenerate it twice as fast. Basically, you dont need to worry about running out of TF. Q: What kind of equipment can Zero wear A: Zero can only wear unisex equipment. Male or female equipment cannot be worn. Regarding cash items, Zero can wear unisex cash items on Alpha and Beta. Male and female cash items can only be worn by Alpha and Beta respectively. Q: Which one is the male and which one is the female A: Alpha is the male and Beta is the female. Q: For the new Zero class, lets say you are using Zero Alpha while taggingassisting with Zero Beta and somehow Beta dies, does Alpha get affected in any way A: If you die on Alpha or Beta, youll die. The other character is not affected, but you are. Q: Is it true that Zero cannot acquire EXP from Maple World monsters before Lv. 180 A: Sadly, this is true. It is mandatory to complete all eight chapters of Zeros story line if you want to acquire EXP from Maple World monsters. This includes additional content such as party quests and Monster Park. Zero can gain experience from party quests such as RnJ (Romeo and Juliet) and DI (Dimension Invasion) once they reached Level 120. Q: If Zero cannot acquire EXP from Maple World monsters, how does he earn EXP A: You earn EXP from monsters in Mirror World, the clear EXP from clearing a Mirror World dungeon and from quests. I encourage you to start and complete all the quests. They give very good EXP and sometimes additional rewards. Q: How much EXP does the average Zero quest line give, like wise A: The amount of EXP you can get from quests can vary. From early on, you can get about 900,000 up to 1 or 2 million EXP. After you progress and clear more chapters, the amount of EXP increases. Q: Do cubes drop from Mirror World monsters A: Only boss monsters drop Strange Cubes. So, yes, boss monsters in any Mirror World dungeon has a chance to drop a Strange Cube. Q: Can non-Zero characters enter Mirror World A: Yes and no. Only Zero can enter the Mirror World. However, you can invite and summon your friends to the dungeon you are in. Q: Are the Mirror World dungeons party play A: Unfortunately, no. Though, this can change since the Child of God content is not released in the public server yet. Q: Are there any other advantages that you can receive from playing in the Mirror World dungeons A: Sometimes an hourglass appears in your map. If you click on the hourglass, you receive a buff. There are different buffs that you randomly can get: 8211 An increase of 15 EXP inside the dungeon for 2 minutes. 8211 An increase of x2 drop rate inside thedungeon for 2 minutes. 8211 An increase of 20 Movement Speed and 10 AllStats inside the dungeon for 2 minutes. 8211 An increase of 50 chance to find an Epic tiered item for 2 minutes. Q: I have seen some Zero videos and I noticed the red damage with the white outline. Why is it different A: The darker red damage indicates that the damage is done by the other Zero character who automatically attacks. This can only be seen when youre using Assist. Q: Does Zero need Mastery Books A: Yes, for the Advanced-type skills. These skills are an upgrade from an existing skill. You can buy any Mastery Book 20 and Mastery Book 30 of your choice by trading 5 Time Coin from Cello located Zero8217s Temple. These Time Coins are obtained by completing dungeons in Mirror World. Q: Is Zero more OP than other classes Do you think theyll get nerfed A: Zero was buffed in the recent patch which made them more appealing and stronger. Zero is a strong class, but I dont know if it is OP. Balancing is part of a games life. Can you count how many times MapleStory received a balancing update This will only continue. Balancing will never stop. Post navigation Leave a Reply Cancel replyAnime, MapleStory Guides, Game Walkthrough, Recipe, SEO and Tutorial MapleStory Character Card Deck System Guide (Grade Bonus Effects) MapleStory Card System allows you to make use of your idle characters within your account. However, that character must be at least Level 30 for the system to create a card out of it. Each card has unique attributes based on the job and card grade. Mix and combine 3 different cards and the resulting effectbenefits will be applied to all characters in the same world of that account. You will be provided 2 card decks, each with 3 card slots. The card grade is determined by the level of your character. Cygnus Knights can only have up to Grade A (Level 120). To access the 8220Character Card8221, click the button located on the top-right of the character selection screen. Card Deck Overview List of Grades by Level Explorer, Resistance, Hero, Sengoku, Nova, Cygnus, Beast Tamer, Kinesis Grade B. Level 30 Grade A. Level 60 Grade S. Level 100 Grade SS. Level 200 Grade B. Level 110 Grade A. Level 130 Grade S. Level 160 Grade SS. Level 200 Job Bonus Effects (Grade BASSS) Angelic Buster: DEX 10204080 Aran: 70 chance to replenish HP on attack every 60 sec. Replenish HP 2X when attacking multiple monsters. Replenish HP 2468 Ayame: None Battle Mage: Damage when hit -2345 Beast Tamer: Ignore Enemy Defense 2468 Bishop: MP Potion Effect 5101520 Blaster: Ignore Enemy Defense 1235 Blaze Wizard: 0.511.52 magic damage per character level. Bow Master: DEX 10204080 Buccaneer: Final Damage (2345 Playing character level) Cannoneer: EXP loss on death -2345 Corsair: Summon duration 46810 Dark Knight: Max HP 2345 Dawn Warrior Soul master: Defense 2345 Demon Avenger: Boss Damage 1235 Demon Slayer: Abnormal Status Resistance 1234 Dual Blade: LUK 10204080 Eunwol Shade: Critical Damage 1234 Evan: 70 chance to replenish MP on attack every 60 seconds. Replenish MP 2X when attacking multiple monsters. Replenish MP 2468 Fire-Poison Magician: Max MP 2345 Hayato: Critical Damage 1234 Hero: Defense 2345 Ice-Lightning Magician: Final Magical Damage (0.511.52 Playing character level) Jett: Summon duration 24810 Kaiser: STR 10204080 Kinesis: INT 10204080 Luminous: INT 10204080 Kanna: Boss Damage 1234 Marksman: Critical chance 1234 Mechanic: Buff duration 5101520 Mercedes: Skill cooldown -2345 (Takes priority over item potential. Cooldown cannot be lower than 1 sec) Mihile: Defense 2345 Night Lord: Jump 2345 Night Walker: LUK 10204080 Paladin: Final Physical Damage (0.511.52 Playing character level) Phantom: Meso Rate 1234 Pink Bean: None Shadower: Speed 2345 Striker aka Thunder Breaker: Final Damage (2345 Playing character level) Wild Hunter: 20 chance to deal 481216 increased damage when attacking Wind Breaker Wind Archer: DEX 10204080 Xenon: Bonus Stat 5102040 for STR, DEX, and LUK. Zen: Critical Damage: 1234 Zero: Bonus EXP Per Monster Kill 46810 Sword Art Online Explanation Playing character level means the character that you have selected to play in-game (bosstraining) instead of the character card level. Card Deck Bonus Effects Unique Deck Effect (Non-Stackable) Powerful Charge (3 Warrior Cards 8211 HP bonus damage) 46810 Magical Storm (3 Magician Cards 8211 MP bonus damage) 46810 Pinpoint Aim (3 Bowman Cards 8211 Final Attack damage) 1234 Weak Point Targeting (3 Thief Cards 8211 Critical damage) 1234 Pirate8217s Way (3 Pirate Cards 8211 Ignore Enemy Defense) 2468 Free Spirit (3 Explorer Cards 8211 All Stats) 25710 Honor of Cygnus (3 Cygnus Cards 8211 All Stats) 25 The Glorious Return (3 Hero Cards 8211 All Stats) 25710 Blaze of Resistance (3 Resistance Cards 8211 All Stats) 25710 Regular Deck Effect (Stackable) Warrior8217s First Step (3 Rank B Cards 8211 HP and MP) HP 300, MP 300 Warrior8217s Growth (3 Rank A Cards 8211 ATK, HP and MP) ATK 1, M. ATK 1, HP 500, MP 500 Warrior8217s Feat (3 Rank S Cards 8211 ATK, HP and MP) ATK 3, M. ATK 3, Boss ATK 3, HP 700, MP 700 Completed Warrior (3 Rank SS Cards 8211 ATK, HP and MP) ATK 5, M. ATK 5, Boss ATK 5, HP 1000, MP 1000 Explanation If the dec k contains 3 cards of the same kind (also known as 3 of a kind cards), you will gain bonus effects from the deck itself For example, let8217s assume the cards we have in 1 deck are all level 200 and are all explorer warrior (Hero Paladin Dark Knight). This means you will gain the 3 card deck bonus effects which are 8220Powerful Charge (3 Warriors)8221 8220Free Spirit (3 Explorer)8221 8220Completed Warrior (Level 200)8221. Take note that you can only have 1 unique deck effect but can have multiple regular deck effect. For example, if you were to have 2 deck of cards and both decks have all level 200 warrior cards, you will only get 1 Powerful Charge Deck Effect but 2 Completed Warrior Deck Effect. Frequently Asked Questions How is Rank determined by Character Card Level Rank is determined by the rank of the average character level in the set. 10010094 - A rank (98 average), 10610094 - S rank (100 average). Do we gain benefits from two decks at once Essentially granting you 6 class bonuses and two combo bonuses Yes. You get the effects of all 6 cards, 2 set bonuses for the 2 sets. If I have 3 Explorer cards but they8217re not in the same deck, do I still get the effect Or do the cards all have to be together for that to work A: All 3 Explorer cards MUST be in the same deck in order to benefit from Three-of-a-kind Bonuses. Can I have 2 or more of the same job placed within these 3 decks A: No, only 1 unique job can be place in all decks. If you have a Buccaneer in the 1st Deck, you are not allowed to place another Buccaneer into the 1st nor 2nd nor 3rd deck of cards. In short, you can8217t place more than 1 Buccaneer card in a deck, let alone 2 Buccaneer for its awesome damage. Only unique jobs. What 8220level to physicalmagical damage8221 means. Is it just Total Damage Your level multiplied by the card8217s effect, added to your damage range. The Paladin card only affects physical damage ranges, the IL Archmage card only affects magical damage ranges, the Buccaneer card affects both. Ex. Level 120 Bucc (Mutliplier is 4) Level 200 character, range is 100000. 200 4 800, range becomes 100800. Ex. Level 200 IL (Multiplier is 2) Level 180 Mage, range is 50000. 180 2 360, range becomes 50360. Ex. Level 200 IL (Multiplier is 2) Level 180 Warrior, range is 50000. Range is unchanged, IL only affects damage range for magicians. List of Best Card Combination Guide Players are provided a total of 3 decks where each deck can contain up to 3 cards. All cards and card decks apply their bonus effects to all characters within your game account in that particular world. It8217s recommended to create all 9 cards and leveling them up to Level 100 (S Rank) to support your main character to reach Level 250 more quickly The end game card combination below focuses on cards that can scale with your damage range. Pirate Set: Ignore Enemy Defense 2468 Eunwol Shade: Critical Damage 3 Mechanic: Buff Duration 15 Cannoneer: EXP loss upon death -4 Explanation Getting the 3 Pirate set bonus is important, as extra Ignore Enemy Defense (IED) is always useful. In addition, the Shade and Mechanic cards are extremely useful. For the final slot, I think Cannoneer card is more useful than the Xenon card at endgame, but you can substitute Xenon in if youre leveling a new character, for more low-level damagemitigation. Beast Tamer: 6 Ignore Enemy Defense Marksman: 3 Critical Rate Hayato: 3 Critical Damage Explanation Again, IED, Critical Rate, and Critical Damage are all stats that scale well. Substitute Blaster for Beast Tamer, if you werent able to make a Beast Tamer when her window was open. Warrior Set: HP bonus damage 46810 Blaster: Ignore Enemy Defense 3 Demon Slayer: Abnormal Status Resistance 3 Zero: Bonus EXP Per Monster Kill 8 Explanation Again, Blaster is nice for the extra IED. Zeros usefulness is self-explanatory. Extra Experience Rate (EXP) is good at any level. If youre on Reboot, substitute Kanna or Demon Avenger for Zero, for the extra Boss Damage. As for Demon Slayer, getting 100 status resistance is extremely useful, and it can be difficult to cap. Importantly, even if you are capped, getting 3 status resistance from a card can save you hyper stat points that can instead go into scaling damage stats. If you have 100 status resist WITHOUT hyper stats, you can drop Demon Slayer for Demon Avenger, to get a bit of extra Boss Damage. Early Game Card Deck Combination If youre leveling a fresh character, you can swap out both Blaster and Demon Slayer, and instead take Aran and Evan. Ive found those cards to be very useful in streamlining the training process. The people who malign them as useless are, I believe, mistaken as to the extent of their effects. Ive leveled 20 characters to 100 now, and on essentially all of them, I didnt use a single potion until I was close to 100. Share your card combinations by posting a comment below Post navigation Leave a Reply Cancel reply 244 thoughts on ldquo MapleStory Character Card Deck System Guide (Grade Bonus Effects) rdquo Sea February 24, 2017 at 4:04 PM So, does that mean that Buccaneer8217s card is fundamentally better then both IL mage and Paladin Since it has higher multiplier and affects both types of damage. Ayumilove Post author February 15, 2017 at 11:18 PMJason: Thanks for the latest changes I have updated Zen character card from Critical Rate to Critical Damage :) Ayumilove Post author February 15, 2017 at 11:17 PMJosh: Great observation you have there Yes, Demon Avenger can be also used if you have that job in your account to boost your boss damage I have updated the guide above to include Demon Avenger. ) Jason February 15, 2017 at 6:40 PManother small change Zen character card has change from Critical rate to Critical Damage w. e.f 15217 on MSEA Josh February 12, 2017 at 4:43 AMgreat guide thank you for this. Just curious why would you switch out Zero card for Kanna in reboot when you can instead put Demon Avenger8217s card which has a 1 additional boss damage and is still in the warrior category Ayumilove Post author February 2, 2017 at 10:26 AMLunaMoonChan: The combination of having all magician in 1 deck for all 3 decks will only provide 1 Unique Deck Effect which is 8220Magical Storm8221. You will not get 3 8220Magical Storm8221 effect I would recommend to grab the 8220Weak Point Targeting8221 (3 Thief Cards) Pirate8217s Way (3 Pirate Cards) for more damage for the other 2 decks to go with Magical Storm. LunaMoonChan February 2, 2017 at 10:15 AMOh i found out that it doesnt work ( LunaMoonChan February 2, 2017 at 10:13 AMHi all, i8217ve got a question. Is this combination posible 1st deck: Luminous Kinesis battle mage 2nd deck: Explorer magicians IL Mage FP mage Bishop 3rd deck: Evan Kanna Blaze Wizzard Zaylenn January 27, 2017 at 5:13 PMCan fw character card stack with explorer IL cuz both card is add 1.5ma per char lvl Kinesis1160 January 10, 2017 at 12:50 PMPirate Set: XenonAngelic Shade Mechanic i suggest replace Cannoneer to Xenon since it give stats when farming if you fight some boss like gollux, Hard Hilla, Chaos PB8230, (lose exp when die) use Cannoneer card Ayumilove Post author January 1, 2017 at 9:01 PMXelavi: Three-of-a-kind deck effect can only have 1. If you have 2 decks and each deck has all warriors, you will not get 2 Powerful Charge but only 1. Happy New Year 2017 Xelavi December 29, 2016 at 3:39 PMCan I put both decks all warrior. Then will I get 2x of the 1 0 hp for warriors Powerful Charge (3 Warrior Cards HP bonus damage) 46810 So 20 bonus hp If 2 decks Grim476 December 28, 2016 at 11:05 AMgunkungg He put Blaster in deck 3 so he can have the warrior set effect since Beast Tamer isn8217t a warrior but Blaster is gunkungg December 26, 2016 at 8:55 AMBeast Tamer: Ignore Enemy Defense 2468 Blaster: Ignore Enemy Defense 1235 Why you recommend Blaster in deck 3 xMenace December 24, 2016 at 12:36 AMI guess if you want more stats you can use DA, DS, and blaster for the 3rd set. Gives you warrior card deck effects resistance card deck effects. question December 23, 2016 at 10:55 AMer why do u suggest demon slayer instead of demon avenger the 3 status resistance is like 0-1 increase only in the stat window. i think 35 boss damage better. and im planning to use like this since im a demon avenger. mechanic maybe nxt time make, now just for pirate set effect. gt warrior set effect Dark Knight: Max HP 2345 Demon Avenger: Boss Damage 1235 Zero: Bonus EXP Per Monster Kill 10 random Blaster: Ignore Enemy Defense 1235 Marksman: Critical chance 1234 Hayato: Critical Damage 1234 pirate set effect Angelic Buster: DEX 10204080 Cannoneer: EXP loss on death -2345 Eunwol: Critical Damage 1234 Ayumilove Post author December 19, 2016 at 10:18 AMquestion: I8217m not sure whether Wild Hunter card activates every hit or every skill trigger. The card does not provide much details. question December 19, 2016 at 7:57 AMdoes the wild hunter card activates on every hit continously Ayumilove Post author December 18, 2016 at 9:15 AMxJayden: It8217s probably a mistake on MapleSEA side since the previous one was Minimum Critical Damage and it should be changed to Critical Damage. I8217ll update the guide for MapleSEA current Zen now to have Critical Rate. xJayden December 18, 2016 at 12:20 AMZen card effect now is crit rate. Ayumilove Post author December 16, 2016 at 7:56 PMDefNotjosh: You8217re right Demon Avenger and Kanna have the same card effect 8220Boss Damage8221. That should prevent it from breaking Warrior Set. DefNotjosh December 16, 2016 at 5:54 PM8220If youre on Reboot, substitute Kanna for Zero, for the extra Boss Damage. 8221 Wouldn8217t Demon Avenger be the better choice Same character card without breaking the warrior set. Soh Jiong Hao December 15, 2016 at 4:30 PMOkay, thank you. I have FaceBook messaged the GMs. Ayumilove Post author December 15, 2016 at 12:12 AMJiong Hao: I have checked on my side and the data above should be accurate. 1. Hayato Card Effect is Critical Damage (checked in GMS 8211 Global MapleStory). The previous card effect of Hayato is 8 Min Critical Damage (before MapleStory V 5th Job patch). 2. EDIT: Zen Card Effect should be Critical Damage (not similar to Jett Card). I guess that they are mistakes in the MapleSEA patchchanges which are yet to be fixed. Soh Jiong Hao December 14, 2016 at 5:26 PMZen and Hayato boost 3 critical rate, each, at Rank S (3rd URL). Card combinations updated for the 3rd URL. Ayumilove Post author December 12, 2016 at 10:06 PMkururumi: Thanks for the feedback I have updated the following card job effects based on GMS v.178 patch: 1. Wind Archer (Wind Breaker): Accuracy 2468 DEX 10204080 2. Bow Master: Accuracy 2468 DEX 10204080 3. Dual Blade: Avoid 2345 LUK 10204080 4. Night Walker: Avoid 2345 LUK 10204080 5. Hayato: Min Critical Damage 2468 Critical Damage 1234 6. Eunwol Shade: Min and Max Critical Damage 1235 Critical Damage 1234 Ayumilove Post author December 10, 2016 at 5:27 PMAyane: Magician Set does not apply because Demon Avenger does not use MP System to activate their skills. Ayumilove Post author December 10, 2016 at 5:26 PMArzhel: I have updated the card deck combination above based on the user8217s comment (Quinnocent). Ayumilove Post author December 10, 2016 at 5:08 PMquestion: Yes. It8217s advisable not to get those card with that effect as they are not good for both mid-game and end-game. Ayumilove Post author December 10, 2016 at 4:04 PMAsteralia: Thanks for the notice I have added Blaster card effects into the guide above. question December 10, 2016 at 3:19 PMwhat does this means 8221 Final Physical Damage (0.511.52 Playing character level)8221 does it mean if im lvl 200 my att range 400 Arzhel December 10, 2016 at 9:46 AMJumped into the game again and are slightly confused regarding the decks. What are a good deck for an Aran. I am really new to this deck building so sorry if it sounded wierd :) kururumi December 8, 2016 at 8:01 AMwind archer and bowmaster now gives a card similar to angelic burster nightwalker and i suppose assasins branch gives luk too hayato now gives crit dmg 3 at lv 3 demon slayer now gives status resist 2 los of changesnges on last gms patch to cards Ayane December 4, 2016 at 7:48 PMDo mage 3 set apply to demon avenger Asteralia November 28, 2016 at 8:21 AMBlaster is out so could you update it Alex November 6, 2016 at 5:23 PMWe need more detailed yet accurate combinations of the character card. Any thought of MapleSEA combination Assuming have all character cards with S grade. Ayumilove Post author October 26, 2016 at 8:18 PMSy: If the Dark Knight8217s Beholder have summoning duration, then it will apply. Sy October 26, 2016 at 4:45 PMDoes Captain 8212 character card( Summon duration) apply to dark knight8217s beholder Ayumilove Post author September 28, 2016 at 8:10 AMNorman Lau: Thanks for your feedback I have updated Wild Hunter Character Card: 8220Chance to instant kill to 822020 chance to deal 481216 increased damage when attacking8221 Norman Lau September 28, 2016 at 2:24 AMhello Ayumilove could you please update this guide seems a bit outdated as of september, i. e. wild hunter card just got changed to 12 increased damage with a 20 activation chance which seems insane to me Ayumilove Post author September 19, 2016 at 10:16 PMNightWalker: Jobs that has Final Attack passive skill will benefit from Final Attack Damage card effect. Ayumilove Post author September 19, 2016 at 10:15 PMhuman90: The effects from Jett card and Corsair card will stack as they are both different cards. However, you will not get stack effect from 2 or more of the same Job card (example: 2 3 Jett cards in 1 card deck) human90 September 18, 2016 at 7:13 PMhi a question jett and cosair is stack card NightWalker September 15, 2016 at 3:07 PMFinal Attack Damage 1234 is that classes without final attack like thief will also benefit from it or just classes having final attack and advanced final attack Ayumilove Post author September 1, 2016 at 8:40 AMConfused: The person8217s name who offered his card deck build. Confused September 1, 2016 at 6:37 AMWhat does KENT mean NaztyDemon August 29, 2016 at 1:02 PMCan you have 9 different warrior cards 3 warrior class decks and get 12182430 hp bonus damage for demon avenger NaztyDemon August 29, 2016 at 1:00 PMCan u have 9 warrior class decks and have 30hp dmg max for demon avenger DSGuy2003 July 24, 2016 at 3:05 AMmerely curious here 8211 but on the pirate8217s deck ignore def 8211 is that strictly weapon defense being ignored or is it both weapon and magic defense Daelit July 9, 2016 at 7:26 AMWhat would be the best card set for a Demon Avenger Quinnocent July 8, 2016 at 8:24 PMNow that I8217ve actually got most of the cards under my belt, I think I have some idea of what I would consider the ideal card build. To start, a lot of the flat damage bonuses (just about anything that adds damagelevel, as well as the MagicianWarrior set bonus) are added as final damage after all other calculations. These amounts (usually below 1k damage) become trifling additions once your damage per line is in the millions. On top of that, the Magician and Warrior set bonuses use your BASE max HPMP, before gear and skills. The 8220before skills8221 part is important, since a lot of warrior and mage classes with high HPMP only have those high totals because of an early passive skill that adds HPMP per level. As an example, your high-level magician with 60k MP with gearbuffs most likely only has 10k actual base MP. In addition, any card which raises only a single stat, as well as the Xenon card, adds a flat amount that isn8217t affected by stat from gear or skills. Only All Stats from card set bonuses are affected by stat, and those amounts are generally too small to be worth caring about. Functionally, this makes a lot of card and set bonuses nearly useless at endgame, right off the bat. Instead, you should focus on cards which increase secondary damage stats that scale with your range. So here is what I would recommend: Deck 1: Shade (3 to Min and Max Crit Damage) Mechanic (15 Buff Duration) Cannoneer (-4 XP loss on death) Getting the 3 Pirate set bonus is important, as extra IED is always useful. In addition, the Shade and Mechanic cards are extremely useful. For the final slot, I think the Cannoneer card is more useful than the Xenon card at endgame, but you can substitute Xenon in if you8217re lvl8217ing a new character, for more low-level damagemitigation. ChaseBeast Tamer (6 IED) Marksman (3 Critical Chance) Hayato (6 Minimum Critical Damage) Again, IED, Critical Chance, and Critical Damage are all stats that scale well. Substitute Blaster for Chase, if you weren8217t able to make a Chase when her window was open. Blaster (3 IED) Demon Slayer (3 Status Resistance) Zero (8 XP from monster kills) Again, Blaster is nice for the extra IED. Zero8217s usefulness is self-explanatory. Extra XP is good at any level. If you8217re on Reboot, substitute Kanna for Zero, for the extra Boss Damage. As for Demon Slayer, getting 100 status resistance is extremely useful, and it can be difficult to cap. Importantly, even if you are capped, getting 3 status resistance from a card can save you hyper stat points that can instead go into scaling damage stats. If you have 100 status resist WITHOUT hyper stats, you can drop Demon Slayer for Demon Avenger, to get a bit of extra Boss Damage. If you8217re lvl8217ing a fresh character, you can swap out both Blaster and Demon Slayer, and instead take Aran and Evan. I8217ve found those cards to be very useful in streamlining the training process. The people who malign them as useless are, I believe, mistaken as to the extent of their effects. I8217ve leveled 20 characters to 100 now, and on essentially all of them, I didn8217t use a single potion until I was close to 100. AnimeGirlX June 10, 2016 at 8:08 AMActually the grinding and boss decks is meant for which class I know that mage classes don8217t use dex or str. There are other class that use strdex like Pirate Class, Warrior Class, Thief Class etc. Wild Hunter card is changed to chance to do x increased damage when attacking. L30, it8217s 20 for 4 increased Benedict Tan May 20, 2016 at 4:35 AMUnder the bossing deck build, kaiser (str) and angelic buster (dex), are bad choices for bossing for jobs that does not require those stats. Kaiser card is only good for warriors or pirates like eunwolviper while angelic buster is only good for jobs that uses dex. Using kaiser card on my NightLord is pointless, while dex gives me a small boost since it is my secondary stat. My point is that kaiser and angelic buster are situational cards which can be goodbad, depending on which job your main is. I am not sure if you are trying to list down a general bossing deck build or what, but if you are, then I would suggest putting cards like bucc for dmg range increase. Secondly, your grinding deck build has no zero in it for exp boost Ayumilove Post author May 15, 2016 at 12:05 PMJohn: Magical Storm doesn8217t effect Kinesis as they use Kinesis Points to utilize their skills to attack enemies or defend from enemies attacks. Am I correct in assuming that Magical Storm doesn8217t affect Kinesis since he doesn8217t use mana Ayumilove Post author April 23, 2016 at 12:08 PMLouis: The stats will stack with one another if they are from different jobs. MapleStory disallow you to have 3 Luminous cards in 1 deck to get 240 INT (80 for each card) in total. Louis April 21, 2016 at 5:30 PMDoes kinesis and Luminous stack so lets say both are ss grade. will both stack to give 160 INT (80 for each card) in total Nimue March 5, 2016 at 6:05 AMWhoops I posted it 2 times cauze it went wrong with my internet I guess. Sorry for that lt3 Nimue March 5, 2016 at 6:04 AMI was wondering if you8217re grinding and using the: Grinding Deck. Why dont use a Zero Card instead. It gives 10 Exp. which is good at early and late lvls :p, I think it8217s better than resistance Str :o. Nimue March 5, 2016 at 6:00 AMHey There I was wondering if you8217re grinding with the Grinding set, why don8217t use a zero card instead of Demon Slayer Kaiser which gives you like 810 Bonus Exp Which is a lot better for grinding I guess then Resistance amp Str :o. Soh Jiong Hao February 5, 2016 at 12:13 PMCalvin Leong: You are correct 8211 Xenon8217s character card is considered as both a Thief card and a Pirate card. AllEveryone: A repost of my MapleStorySEA blog posts on character cards, link skills, will of the forces beginner skill, empress blessing beginner skill, as well as the contents page blog post. They may be quite outdated, but I hope the blog posts can help players who experience the same content whichever legally licensed version they play in. Feel free to leave comments, suggestions and questions in my blog. Alternatively, I can be contacted the fastest via FaceBook (Please FaceBook message me) at facebookmapleseafreebossruns Contents page blog post: Ayumilove Post author February 2, 2016 at 11:16 PMEBGaming: Thanks for your feedback I have updated the guide above. EBGaming February 1, 2016 at 1:03 PMHey Ayumi, I just wanted to let you know that the IL card adds magic DAMAGE, not magic attack. I just checked this, and can provide an SS if needed. (Note this was in reboot, so maybe it8217s different) Soh Jiong Hao January 18, 2016 at 7:36 AMAyumilove Post author January 17, 2016 at 11:10 PMSoh Jiong Hao: Thanks for sharing your written blog post here as it helps others too :) Soh Jiong Hao January 17, 2016 at 3:24 PMHi again, Ayumilove. I would like to share the following blog post I have written, for MapleStorySEA players. It includes the order to train characters to train to boost the damage of specific main characters. I have also added in the order to train characters when Kinesis, and when Blaster (which are both jobs from the original KMS) arrive in MapleStorySEA. (Hopefully, MapleStorySEA is still operating by then:x) mapleseafreebossruns. blog20150309maplesea-lists-of-characters-to-train-to-boost-damage-range-for-specific-main-characters-1-refers-to-the-main-character The blog8217s server has low bandwidth, so 502 Bad Gateway may be encountered. You may have to keep refreshing the webpage. Ayumilove Post author January 9, 2016 at 12:16 PMall: I have removed the following set of deck combination (see below) to make way for optimal character card decks I8217ll place it here in case you need them as reference: Money Saver Deck 1. Every attack has 70 chance to replenish 4 of Max HP. (Aran) 2. Every attack has 70 chance to replenish 4 of Max MP. (Evan) 3. Increases meso acquisition by 4 for every meso loot. (Phantom) 4. Boost all stats by 5. (3 Hero Cards) 5. 1 Weapon Magic Attack, 500 Max HP MP (3 Rank A Cards) Magician Damage Boosting Deck 1. 1 Magic Attack per level (IceLightning Magician) 2. 4 Magic Attack per level (Blaze Wizard) 3. 3 Max MP (FirePoison Magician) 4. 6 of Max MP add into damage (3 Magician Cards). 5. 1 Weapon Magic Attack, 500 Max HP MP (3 Rank A Cards) Non-Magician Damage Boosting Deck 1. Every attack has 70 chance to replenish 4 of Max HP. (Aran) 2. 3 Max HP (Dark Knight) 3. 1 Weapon Damage per level (Paladin) 4. 6 of Max HP add into damage (3 Warrior Cards) 5. 1 Weapon Magic Attack, 500 Max HP MP (3 Rank A Cards) Pure Damage Deck 1. 3 damage per level (Buccaneer) 2. 3 damage per level (Thunder Breaker) 3. 1 WeaponMagic Damage per level (Paladin Ice-Lightning Magician) 4. 1 Weapon Magic Attack, 500 Max HP MP (3 Rank A Cards) Survivability Deck for Boss Raid 1. 3 Defense (Dawn Warrior) 2. 3 Defense (Hero) 3. 3 Defense (Mihile) 4. 6 of Max HP add into damage (3 Warrior Cards) 5. 1 Weapon Magic Attack, 500 Max HP MP (3 Rank A Cards) Calvin Leong January 8, 2016 at 9:28 PMHey Ayumilove, been a fan of your work, and need to ask you a question here. Is Xenon8217s character card considered as both a thief and also a pirate card Ayumilove Post author January 6, 2016 at 8:47 PMKyle: Yes, you can have multiple pirate decks stacked provided the jobs of each deck are unique. This same applies to other jobs (e. g. warrior) Kyle January 6, 2016 at 11:47 AMHey Ayumi I8217ve been a long time user of your site mainly through skill builds. However, I want to know if I can have 2 pirate decks and have their effects stacked or not I don8217t believe I8217ve seen this question within the FAQs section and so I asked. Thank you for all you do Have a nice day. ) Ayumilove Post author January 5, 2016 at 8:03 PMDemosthenes: Thanks for your feedback Previously MapleStory only releases 2 decks, but now they have 3 decks available for players to create their unique combination decks. You will get both Free Spirit and Magical Storm bonus This same applies for the other card combination. Ayumilove Post author January 5, 2016 at 7:59 PMGus: Sorry for the confusion caused I have replaced 8220Viper8221 with 8220Buccaneer8221 to make it consistent throughout the guide :) Gus January 5, 2016 at 10:09 AMYou first mention of Buccaneer you used Viper, which was was a bit confusing. The only reason I noticed this is because I love your guide and am using it to try and find what order to create my characters, thank you. ) Demosthenes January 4, 2016 at 4:04 PMCan you get 2 different three-of-a-kind bonuses from one deck For example, let8217s say you put IL, FP, and a Bishop into a deck. Would you get both the Free Spirit and the Magical Storm bonus If not, which one gets picked and how can we determine that Also, in the beginning of this guide it says that you are provided with 2 decks, but isn8217t that supposed to be 3 decks And if so, would you be able to get the bonuses from all 3 decks Ayumilove Post author January 2, 2016 at 7:08 PMRandom: Thanks for the notice I8217ll be updating the guide above to cater the new Cygnus Knights Card System. Random December 24, 2015 at 10:25 PMI8217m pretty sure you know already but I think Cygnus Knights cards are the same as the others like 30-59 is B.60-99 is A and 100-() is an S. Not sure about SS, but it should be the same. Ayumilove Post author December 24, 2015 at 8:27 AMKaosParagon: Thanks for notifying about the broken link in the website side bar I have replaced the broken link that you mention with the correct working one. Perform CTRLF5 to force Internet Browser to get a fresh copy of the fix page from my server. KaosParagon December 24, 2015 at 6:07 AMClicking the link for the character card system guide on the side table of contents brings you to the wrong page. Should be brought here to: ayumilovemaplestory-character-card-system-guide Instead it brings you to: ayumilovemaplestory-card-system TwinInOne December 18, 2015 at 11:35 AMHi there Does Cygnus (Dawn Warrior) has S rank Since it can now leveled up to lv250. I want to get the Powerful Charge effect by combining my Zero, Dawn Warrior and Demon Avenger. Some Stranger December 10, 2015 at 6:18 PMI8217m having trouble figuring out whats better at S rank, thunderbreakerstriker, or a Kaiser, assuming this for a thief, then for a warrior. the bonus damage of 4 per level doesn8217t sound amazing as for a 150 character this would be 600(added to the range I8217m assuming which is kind of sad by that level). but u listed the damage as the better perk in you deck builds as opposed to the 40 str QUESTION November 19, 2015 at 8:21 PMDoes Magical Storm work on a a non-magician And likewise does Powerful Charge affect a Magicians8217s (like Battle Mage) damage range CrazyTale November 16, 2015 at 12:46 PMHey, I have my Zero to level 131 and it counts as an A rank already, I wonder if they changed it at all BALLS October 8, 2015 at 11:31 AMAny card combo suggestion for Night Walker 4MinuteHero September 25, 2015 at 10:16 PMI have a 3 warriors deck (8220A8221 Hero, 8220B8221 Paladin and Spearman), giving me 2 to all stats, 300 HPMP and supposedly 4 of my character8217s Max HP as damage. However, my damage range only went up by 60 for my level 30 Spearman with 3607 HP ( unbuffed and equipped with only a Fish Spear to see the damage range). I derived it after deducting the added 15 damage from my B grade Paladin and the damage added from the 2 to All Stats. If the 3-Warriors Set gives 4 of Base HP instead of Max HP, then my Spearman8217s Base HP would be 1500 at level 30. Anymouse September 16, 2015 at 9:40 AMDoes Mihile count as an explorer or a cygnus for character card Mihile needs mastery books for 4th job skiills, so I wondered if it might be an explorer. Ayumilove Post author September 10, 2015 at 11:05 PMJon Koay: Hayato and Kanna (Sengoku Jobs) have their own category 8211 (silver background). Jon Koay September 10, 2015 at 8:21 AMAyumilove, the sengoku job like hayato and kanna is belong to what type of character cards, hero, explorer or none Kyuriin August 21, 2015 at 7:14 PMSoh Jiong Hao. TLDR Plz Soh Jiong Hao August 6, 2015 at 10:29 PMI apologise. There is no link skill for BattleMage in MapleStorySEA, so it should only be trained to level 100, not level 120. What I posted before this has one instance of 8216lv120 BattleMage8217. شكرا لكم. Soh Jiong Hao August 6, 2015 at 10:07 PMBased on MapleStorySEA (Does NOT have Beast Tamer and Kinesis): INDEX 1 Main: Magicians (Primary stat INT, secondary stat LUK) 8211 2 Main: Demon Avenger(warrior). (Primary stat HP, secondary stat STR) 8211 3 Main: Dark Knight(warrior). (Primary stat STR, secondary stat HP) 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. 8211 4 Main: Phantom(thief). (Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX) Skills to steal from explorers: EFFECTS OF STOLEN SKILLS ARE REDUCED. (LESS POWERFUL) 2nd job: Rage from a Hero 3rd job: Cross Over Chain from a Dark Knight 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. 4th job: Final Cut from a Dual Blade 8211 5 Main: Xenon(thiefpirate hybrid). (Primary stats STR, DEX and LUK, NO secondary stat) 8211 6 Main: Thief which is NOT Phantom and NOT Xenon. (Primary stat LUk, secondary stat DEX) 8211 7 Main: Warrior, Bowman or Pirate, which is NOT Demon Avenger, NOT Dark Knight and NOT Xenon. (Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for such warriors, Primary Stat DEX, secondary stat STR for such bowmen, Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for Cannon Shooter, viper and striker, AND Primary stat DEX, secondary stat STR for Angelic Buster, Captain and Zen) 8211 PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPECIAL NOTES, IF ANY. THANK YOU. 1 Main: Magician with NO link skill(Primary stat INT, secondary stat LUK) SPECIAL CASES TO TAKE NOTE OF: If main character magician is Luminous OR if main character magician is Kanna 1) lv100 MAGICIAN Main (level 120 for Luminous) Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING, for 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters EXCEPT ITSELF. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This CAN be Flame Wizard. If it is not Flame Wizard, a level 120 Flame Wizard must also be trained. Refer to character number 12 in this list. Thank you.) 3) lv120 Kanna (NOTE: Only needed if the main character is NOT Kanna.) 4) lv120 Demon Avenger 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 11) level 120 Luminous (NOTE: Only needed if the main character is NOT Luminous.) 12) lv120 revamped Flame Wizard (NOTE: Only needed if the character at number 2 in the list is not Flame Wizard.) 13) lv100 Viper 14) lv180 Zero 15) lv120 Phantom 16) lv100 Dark Knight 17) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 18) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 19) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 20) level 120 Kaiser (Note: Only needed if the main character IS a LUMINOUS, OR a KANNA.) Up to 12 link skills from other characters can be used. LINK SKILLS to USE: (The names and details of the link skills will NOT be stated here, unless necessary.) 1) level 2 or higher, up to level 10, link skill from level 120 knights of cygnus 2) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kanna (NOTE: If the main character is a Kanna, this will be the main character8217s own link skill.) 3) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Avenger 4) level 2 link skill from level 120 Xenon 5) level 1 link skill from level 70 Hayato (Not sure if level 2 link skill at level 120 will be released in the future for MapleStorySEA.)6) level 2 link skill from level 120 Cannon Shooter 7) link skill from level 120 Zen (link skill at level 70: MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack. link skil at level 120: MINIMUM 3 to MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack.) 8) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster 9) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous (NOTE: If the m ain character is a Luminous, this will be the main character8217s own link skill.) 11) level 5 link skill from level 180 Zero (This is obtained when the 2nd last Zero storyline quest is done at level 178. Maple World quests and EXP from Maple World are unlocked after completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180). 12) level 2 link skill from level 120 Phantom 13) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kaiser (Note: Only needed if the main character is a LUMINOUS OR a KANNA.) 9 Rank S CHARACTER CARD COMBINATION: (IMPORTANT: the commas separate each group of three.) Zen Viper Cannon Shooter, Dark Knight Hayato Demon Avenger, Kanna Luminous Flame Wizard. NOTE: 1) level 100 to level 199 IceLightning Archmage has the same character card boost (at Rank S of the character card) as level 100 to level 199 Flame Wizard, but IceLightning Archmage8217s card is of the explorer type, while Flame Wizard8217s card is of the knights of cygnus type. If level 100 IceLightning Archmage is used in place of level 120 Flame Wizard for the character card combination for this main character, one more character must be trained (which is the level 120 Flame Wizard), to reach level 10 for the stackable knight of cygnus link skill, for elemental resistance and status resistance. 2) NOTE: Revamped Knights of Cygnus refer to Soul Master, Wind Breaker, Striker, Flame Wizard and Night Walker ONLY. Mihile is NOT included in them. The elemental resistance and status resistance link skill of revamped knights of cygnus, can be stacked up to level 10, when all 5 DIFFERENT revamped knights of cygnus are trained to level 120, with their link skills passed to one single character. 3) There are 2 job revamps for the 5 knights of cygnus 8211 The first revamp was for Soul Master, Wind Breaker and Striker. The second revamp was for Flame Wizard and Night Walker. Only revamped knights of cygnus can train beyond level 120, and only revamped knights of cygnus have the elemental resistance and status resistance link skill. 4)NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. 2 Main: Demon Avenger(warrior). (Primary stat HP, secondary stat STR) 1) lv120 DEMON AVENGER Main 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING, for 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters EXCEPT ITSELF. 3) lv120 Kanna 4) lv120 Kaiser 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 11) lv100 Dark Knight 12) lv120 Luminous 13) lv100 Battlemage 14) lv100 Viper 15) lv120 Eunwol 16) lv180 Zero 17) lv120 Phantom 18) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 19) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 20) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 21) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus Up to 12 link skills from other characters can be used. LINK SKILLS to USE: (The names and details of the link skills will NOT be stated here, unless necessary.) 1) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Avenger (OWN LINK SKILL in this case) 2) level 2 or higher, up to level 10, link skill from level 120 knights of cygnus 3) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kanna 4) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kaiser 5) level 2 link skill from level 120 Xenon 6) level 1 link skill from level 70 Hayato (Not sure if level 2 link skill at level 120 will be released in the future for MapleStorySEA.) 7) level 2 link skill from level 120 cannon shooter 8) link skill from level 120 Zen (link skill at level 70: MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack. link skil at level 120: MINIMUM 3 to MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack.) 9) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer 11) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous 12) level 5 link skill from level 180 Zero (This is obtained when the 2nd last Zero storyline quest is done at level 178. Maple World quests and EXP from Maple World are unlocked after completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180). 13) level 2 link skill from level 120 Phantom 9 Rank S CHARACTER CARD COMBINATION: (IMPORTANT: the commas separate each group of three.) EunWol Xenon Viper, Kaiser Dark Knight Hayato, Kanna Luminous Battlemage. 1) level 100 to level 199 IceLightning Archmage has the same character card boost (at Rank S of the character card) as level 100 to level 199 Flame Wizard, but IceLightning Archmage8217s card is of the explorer type, while Flame Wizard8217s card is of the knights of cygnus type. If level 100 IceLightning Archmage is used in place of level 120 Flame Wizard for the character card combination for this main character, one more character must be trained (which is the level 120 Flame Wizard), to reach level 10 for the stackable knight of cygnus link skill, for elemental resistance and status resistance. 2) NOTE: Revamped Knights of Cygnus refer to Soul Master, Wind Breaker, Striker, Flame Wizard and Night Walker ONLY. Mihile is NOT included in them. The elemental resistance and status resistance link skill of revamped knights of cygnus, can be stacked up to level 10, when all 5 DIFFERENT revamped knights of cygnus are trained to level 120, with their link skills passed to one single character. 3) There are 2 job revamps for the 5 knights of cygnus 8211 The first revamp was for Soul Master, Wind Breaker and Striker. The second revamp was for Flame Wizard and Night Walker. Only revamped knights of cygnus can train beyond level 120, and only revamped knights of cygnus have the elemental resistance and status resistance link skill. 4)NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. 3 Main: Dark Knight(warrior). (Primary stat STR, secondary stat HP) 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. DARK KNIGHT (Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX, 3rd job Cross Surge(Cross Over Chain) skill boosts the dark knight8217s damage range by a of the unharmed buffed maximum HP of the dark knight): 1) lv100 DARK KNIGHT Main 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING, for 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters EXCEPT ITSELF. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This CAN be Flame Wizard. If it is not Flame Wizard, a level 120 Flame Wizard must also be trained. Refer to character number 12 in this list. Thank you.) 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Kaiser 7) lv120 Hayato 8) lv120 Cannon Shooter 9) lv120 Zen 10) lv120 Angelic Buster 11) lv120 Demon Slayer 12) lv100 Viper 13) lv100 Paladin 14) lv120 Luminous 15) lv180 Zero 16) lv120 Phantom Up to 12 link skills from other characters can be used. LINK SKILLS to USE: (The names and details of the link skills will NOT be stated here, unless necessary.) 1) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kanna 2) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Avenger 3) level 2 link skill from level 120 Xenon 4) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kaiser 5) level 1 link skill from level 70 Hayato (Not sure if level 2 link skill at level 120 will be released in the future for MapleStorySEA.)6) level 2 link skill from level 120 Cannon Shooter 6) link skill from level 120 Zen (link skill at level 70: MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack. link skil at level 120: MINIMUM 3 to MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack.) 7) level 2 link skill from level 120 Cannon Shooter 8) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster 9) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous 11) level 5 link skill from level 180 Zero (This is obtained when the 2nd last Zero storyline qu est is done at level 178. Maple World quests and EXP from Maple World are unlocked after completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180). 12) level 2 link skill from level 120 Phantom 9 Rank S CHARACTER CARD COMBINATION: (IMPORTANT: the commas separate each group of three.) Zen Viper Cannon Shooter, Dark Knight Paladin Hayato, Angelic Buster Kaiser Xenon. NOTE: 1) level 100 to level 199 IceLightning Archmage has the same character card boost (at Rank S of the character card) as level 100 to level 199 Flame Wizard, but IceLightning Archmage8217s card is of the explorer type, while Flame Wizard8217s card is of the knights of cygnus type. If level 100 IceLightning Archmage is used in place of level 120 Flame Wizard for the character card combination for this main character, one more character must be trained (which is the level 120 Flame Wizard), to reach level 10 for the stackable knight of cygnus link skill, for elemental resistance and status resistance. 2) NOTE: Revamped Knights of Cygnus refer to Soul Master, Wind Breaker, Striker, Flame Wizard and Night Walker ONLY. Mihile is NOT included in them. The elemental resistance and status resistance link skill of revamped knights of cygnus, can be stacked up to level 10, when all 5 DIFFERENT revamped knights of cygnus are trained to level 120, with their link skills passed to one single character. 3) There are 2 job revamps for the 5 knights of cygnus 8211 The first revamp was for Soul Master, Wind Breaker and Striker. The second revamp was for Flame Wizard and Night Walker. Only revamped knights of cygnus can train beyond level 120, and only revamped knights of cygnus have the elemental resistance and status resistance link skill. 4)NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. 4 Main: Phantom(thief). (Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX) Skills to steal from explorers: EFFECTS OF STOLEN SKILLS ARE REDUCED. (LESS POWERFUL) 2nd job: Rage from a Hero 3rd job: Cross Over Chain from a Dark Knight 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. 4th job: Final Cut from a Dual Blade 1) lv120 Phantom Main 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING, for 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters EXCEPT ITSELF. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This CAN be Flame Wizard. If it is not Flame Wizard, a level 120 Flame Wizard must also be trained. Refer to character number 12 in this list. Thank you.) 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Kaiser 7) lv120 Hayato 8) lv120 Cannon Shooter 9) lv120 Zen 10) lv120 Angelic Buster 11) lv120 Demon Slayer 12) lv100 Dark Knight 13) lv100 Paladin 14) lv120 Luminous 15) lv100 BattleMage 16) lv100 Evan 17) lv120 Eunwol 18) lv180 Zero 19) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 20) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 21) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 22) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus Up to 12 link skills from other characters can be used. LINK SKILLS to USE: (The names and details of the link skills will NOT be stated here, unless necessary.) 1) level 2 link skill from level 120 Phantom (OWN LINK SKILL in this case) 2) level 2 or higher, up to level 10, link skill from level 120 knights of cygnus 3) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Avenger 4) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kanna 5) level 2 link skill from level 120 Xenon 6) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kaiser 7) level 1 link skill from level 70 Hayato (Not sure if level 2 link skill at level 120 will be released in the future for MapleStorySEA.) 8) level 2 link skill from level 120 cannon shooter 9) link skill from level 120 Zen (link skill at level 70: MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack. link skil at level 120: MINIMUM 3 to MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack.) 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster 11) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer 12) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous 13) level 5 link skill from level 180 Zero (This is obtained when the 2nd last Zero storyline quest is done at level 178. Maple World quests and EXP from Maple World are unlocked after completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180). Dark knight card is needed due to Phantom being able to steal Dark Knight8217s Cross Surge (Cross Over Chain) skill, which boosts its damage range by a of its unharmed buffed HP. 9 Rank S CHARACTER CARD COMBINATION: (IMPORTANT: the commas separate each group of three.) EunWol Angelic Buster Xenon, Hayato Dark Knight Paladin, Kanna Battlemage Evan. NOTE: 1) level 100 to level 199 IceLightning Archmage has the same character card boost (at Rank S of the character card) as level 100 to level 199 Flame Wizard, but IceLightning Archmage8217s card is of the explorer type, while Flame Wizard8217s card is of the knights of cygnus type. If level 100 IceLightning Archmage is used in place of level 120 Flame Wizard for the character card combination for this main character, one more character must be trained (which is the level 120 Flame Wizard), to reach level 10 for the stackable knight of cygnus link skill, for elemental resistance and status resistance. 2) NOTE: Revamped Knights of Cygnus refer to Soul Master, Wind Breaker, Striker, Flame Wizard and Night Walker ONLY. Mihile is NOT included in them. The elemental resistance and status resistance link skill of revamped knights of cygnus, can be stacked up to level 10, when all 5 DIFFERENT revamped knights of cygnus are trained to level 120, with their link skills passed to one single character. 3) There are 2 job revamps for the 5 knights of cygnus 8211 The first revamp was for Soul Master, Wind Breaker and Striker. The second revamp was for Flame Wizard and Night Walker. Only revamped knights of cygnus can train beyond level 120, and only revamped knights of cygnus have the elemental resistance and status resistance link skill. 4)NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. 5 Main: Xenon(thiefpirate hybrid). (Primary stats STR, DEX and LUK, NO secondary stat) 1) lv120 Xenon Main 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING, for 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters EXCEPT ITSELF. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This CAN be Flame Wizard. If it is not Flame Wizard, a level 120 Flame Wizard must also be trained. Refer to character number 12 in this list. Thank you.) 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Hayato 6) lv120 Cannon Shooter 7) lv120 Zen 8) lv120 Angelic Buster 9) lv120 Kaiser 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 11) lv100 Viper 12) lv100 Paladin 13) lv120 Luminous 14) lv120 Zero 15) lv120 Phantom 16) lv120 Kaiser 17) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 18) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 19) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 20) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus Up to 12 link skills from other characters can be used. LINK SKILLS to USE: (The names and details of the link skills will NOT be stated here, unless necessary.) 1) level 2 link skill from level 120 Phantom (OWN LINK SKILL in this case) 2) level 2 or higher, up to level 10, link skill from level 120 knights of cygnus 3) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Avenger 4) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kanna 5) level 2 link skill from level 120 Xenon 6) level 1 link skill from level 70 Hayato (Not sure if level 2 link skill at level 120 will be released in the future for MapleStorySEA.) 7) level 2 link skill from level 120 Cannon Shooter 8) link skill from level 120 Zen (link skill at level 70: MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack. link skil at level 120: MINIMUM 3 to MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack.) 9) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kaiser 11) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer 12) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous 13) level 5 link skill from level 180 Zero (This is obtained when the 2nd last Zero storyline quest is done at level 178. Maple World quests and EXP from Maple World are unlocked after completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180). 9 Rank S CHARACTER CARD COMBINATION: (IMPORTANT: the commas separate each group of three.) Zen Viper Cannon Shooter, Paladin Demon Avenger Hayato, Angelic Buster Kaiser Xenon. 8211 6 Main: Thief which is NOT Phantom and NOT Xenon. (Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX) Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX: (non-job hybrid thief type (NOT XENON) 8211 Night Lord, Shadower, Dual Blade) EXCEPT PHANTOM AND XENON 1) lv100 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING, for 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters EXCEPT ITSELF. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This CAN be Flame Wizard. If it is not Flame Wizard, a level 120 Flame Wizard must also be trained. Refer to character number 12 in this list. Thank you.) 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 10) lv100 Paladin 11) lv120 Luminous 12) lv100 Battlemage 13) lv100 Evan 14) lv120 Eunwol 15) lv120 Zero 16) lv120 Phantom 17) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 18) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 19) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 20) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus (NOTE: This character(stated as number 20) is NOT NEEDED if main character is a Night Walker(which is a knight of cygnus itself. HOWEVER, the characters in numbers 17, 18, 19 AND 20 are STILL NEEDED.) Up to 12 link skills from other characters can be used. LINK SKILLS to USE: (The names and details of the link skills will NOT be stated here, unless necessary.) 1) level 2 link skill from level 120 Phantom (OWN LINK SKILL in this case) 2) level 2 or higher, up to level 10, link skill from level 120 knights of cygnus 3) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Avenger 4) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kanna 5) level 2 link skill from level 120 Xenon 6) level 1 link skill from level 70 Hayato (Not sure if level 2 link skill at level 120 will be released in the future for MapleStorySEA.) 7) level 2 link skill from level 120 cannon shooter 8) link skill from level 120 Zen (link skill at level 70: MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack. link skil at level 120: MINIMUM 3 to MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack.) 9) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer 11) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous 12) level 5 link skill from level 180 Zero (This is obtained when the 2nd last Zero storyline quest is done at level 178. Maple World quests and EXP from Maple World are unlocked after completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180). 9 Rank S CHARACTER CARD COMBINATION: (IMPORTANT: the commas separate each group of three.) EunWol Angelic Buster Xenon, Hayato Paladin Demon Avenger, Kanna BattleMage Evan. 7 Main: Warrior, Bowman or Pirate, which is NOT Demon Avenger, NOT Dark Knight and NOT Xenon, and NOT MAGICIANS. (Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for such warriors, Primary Stat DEX, seconddary stat STR for such bowmen, Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for Cannon Shooter, viper and striker, AND Primary stat DEX, secondary stat STR for Angelic Buster, Captain and Zen) . . . SPECIAL NOTE: (IF YOUR JOB IS HAYATO, CANNON SHOOTER, ZEN, ANGELIC BUSTER, DEMON SLAYER, KAISER, EUNWOL, OR ZERO, YOU DO NOT NEED TO TRAIN ANOTHER CHARACTER WHICH IS OF YOUR MAIN8217S JOB, THAT IS, THE LIST BELOW WILL BE SHORTENED BY 1 CHARACTER IN THAT CASE. ) OF COURSE, YOU NEED TO CREATE AND TRAIN THAT MAIN CHARACTER FIRST, BEFORE TRAINING OTHER CHARACTERS TO BOOSTS ITS DAMAGE RANGE. . . . 1) lv100 Main (level 120 Main if the main character, which FITS THIS CATEGORY, has a link skill.) 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING, for 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters EXCEPT ITSELF. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This CAN be Flame Wizard. If it is not Flame Wizard, a level 120 Flame Wizard must also be trained. Refer to character number 12 in this list. Thank you.) 3) lv120 Kanna 4) lv120 Demon Avenger 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Kaiser 11) lv120 Demon Slayer 12) lv100 Paladin 13) lv120 Luminous 14) lv100 (Ice, Lightning Archmage) 15) lv120 Eunwol 16) lv180 Zero 17) lv120 Phantom 18) lv120 Battlemage 19) lv100 Evan (NOTE: NOT needed by main characters without MP bars(which do NOT use MP)) 20) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 21) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 22) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus 23) lv120 revamped Knight of Cygnus NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. Up to 12 link skills from other characters can be used. LINK SKILLS to USE: (The names and details of the link skills will NOT be stated here, unless necessary.) 1) level 2 or higher, up to level 10, link skill from level 120 knights of cygnus 2) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kanna 3) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Avenger 4) level 2 link skill from level 120 Xenon 5) level 1 link skill from level 70 Hayato (Not sure if level 2 link skill at level 120 will be released in the future for MapleStorySEA.) 6) level 2 link skill from level 120 Cannon Shooter 7) link skill from level 120 Zen (link skill at level 70: MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack. link skil at level 120: MINIMUM 3 to MINIMUM 2 to STR, DEX, INT, LUK, weapon attack and magic attack.) 8) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster 9) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous 11) level 5 link skill from level 180 Zero (This is obtained when the 2nd last Zero storyline quest is done a t level 178. Maple World quests and EXP from Maple World are unlocked after completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180). 12) level 2 link skill from level 120 Phantom 13) level 2 link skill from level 120 Kaiser (NOTE: Only needed if the main character is a Kaiser, a Hayato, a Cannon Shooter, a Zen, an Angelic Buster, a Demon Slayer or a Zero.) 9 Rank S CHARACTER CARD COMBINATION: (IMPORTANT: the commas separate each group of three.) EunWol Angelic Buster Xenon, Hayato Kaiser Paladin, Kanna BattleMage Evan (Note: level 100 Evan is NOT needed by main characters without MP bars(which do NOT use MP). Therefore, such main characters can choose NOT to train Evan, and replace the level 100 Evan card in this combination, with the level 120 Luminous card.) 1) level 100 to level 199 IceLightning Archmage has the same character card boost (at Rank S of the character card) as level 100 to level 199 Flame Wizard, but IceLightning Archmage8217s card is of the explorer type, while Flame Wizard8217s card is of the knights of cygnus type. If level 100 IceLightning Archmage is used in place of level 120 Flame Wizard for the character card combination for this main character, one more character must be trained (which is the level 120 Flame Wizard), to reach level 10 for the stackable knight of cygnus link skill, for elemental resistance and status resistance. 2) NOTE: Revamped Knights of Cygnus refer to Soul Master, Wind Breaker, Striker, Flame Wizard and Night Walker ONLY. Mihile is NOT included in them. The elemental resistance and status resistance link skill of revamped knights of cygnus, can be stacked up to level 10, when all 5 DIFFERENT revamped knights of cygnus are trained to level 120, with their link skills passed to one single character. 3) There are 2 job revamps for the 5 knights of cygnus 8211 The first revamp was for Soul Master, Wind Breaker and Striker. The second revamp was for Flame Wizard and Night Walker. Only revamped knights of cygnus can train beyond level 120, and only revamped knights of cygnus have the elemental resistance and status resistance link skill. 4)NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. شكرا لكم. CREDITS: Sources used: 1) YouTube video description used: The video8217s video info shows the 3-card together combinations and the individual card8217s boost, except for ZEN8217s: youtubewatchvR54LjZ7iwEo Credits to 8220MasteringGaming8221 (youtubechannelUCkx7Ck9lKEexmkEZGWV9ZQw). 82128212- 2) Guide used: ayumilovemaplestory-character-card-system-guide Credits to the author of 8220AyumiLove8221 (Website: ayumilove) Ayumilove Post author August 3, 2015 at 8:00 AMSoh Jiong Hao: Thanks for your feedback I8217ll update the description now (login screen - gt character selection screen) Soh Jiong Hao August 2, 2015 at 8:13 PMAyumiLove, for the last sentence in the first paragraph of this article, 8220To access the Character Card, click the button located on the top-right of the login screen.8221, I think 8220the login screen8221, should be changed to the 8220character selection screen8221. 8220The login screen8221 may mean the screen for keying in our username and password. 8220The character selection screen8221 refers to the screen with at most 8 characters being shown. Thank you:) 8211 a MapleStorySEA player Soh Jiong Hao July 28, 2015 at 8:06 PMI would also like to contribute the following skills for Phantom to steal, and this combination was recommended to me by another player on FaceBook, whose name I have forgotten to take note of. The highest buffed damage range which can be attained from this combination, is when rage, dark knight and final cut are active, and when Phantom also uses its own HPMP boosting buff, and is at fully healed buffed HP. Thank you:) IMPORTANT NOTE. PHANTOM WILL BE ABLE TO STEAL CANNON SHOOTER amp DUAL BLADE SKILLS FROM RED PATCH ONWARDS. Advice: most damage boosting explorer job skills to steal from RED patch onwards: 1st job 8211 iron body from dark knight, hero or paladin (ONLY FOR DEFENSE, THIS DOES NOT BOOST DAMAGE RANGE) 8211 2nd job 8211 rage from hero (BOOSTS DAMAGE RANGE) 8211 3rd job 8211 cross surge (cross over chain) from dark knight (BOOSTS DAMAGE RANGE) 8211 4th job 8211 final cut from dual blade (STRONG 1-MOB ATTACK WITH COOLDOWN) 8211 Thanks to a friend:) Screenshots: facebookphoto. phpfbid599645320130860038setpcb.599645680130824038type1038theater 8211 facebookphoto. phpfbid599645313464194038setpcb.599645680130824038type1038theater 8211 facebookphoto. phpfbid599645326797526038setpcb.599645680130824038type1038theater 8211 facebookphoto. phpfbid599645323464193038setpcb.599645680130824038type1038theater 8211 facebookphoto. phpfbid599645330130859038setpcb.599645680130824038type1038theater 8211 facebookphoto. phpfbid599645333464192038setpcb.599645680130824038type1038theater 8211 Soh Jiong Hao July 28, 2015 at 8:01 PMI am a MapleStorySEA player. I wish to contribute my MapleStorySEA FaceBook notes8217 content here. (on character card combinations) My FaceBook notes are mostly based on email160protected methods, and mostly based on my own experience. Content not by me are credited to either other players, or other MapleStory guidecontent authors. I stress that my FaceBook notes are only restricted to my FaceBook friends 8211 I unfriend or do not become FaceBook friends to those who are caught engaging in monetary trading by me. شكرا لكم. (The same privacy setting is applied to the FaceBook photo albums used for the FaceBook notes.) I can be contacted most easily via FaceBook messaging at facebookmapleseafreebossruns For the content, it is as follows: From facebooknotessoh-jiong-haomaplesea-lists-of-characters-to-train-to-boost-damage-range-for-specific-main-ch756719581090099 The reason for the creation of this list is to revise the order for adding the highest to lowest damage boosting characters for specific main characters. I have decided to the order to be such that the characters that boost damage range in the stat window, are added first (highest to lowest damage boosting), followed by the characters which do NOT boost damage range in the stat window, but boost effective damage(ignore monster defense and increase critical rate, and increase critical damage). EVEN IF YOUR MAIN CHARACTER IS A REVAMPED KNIGHT OF CYGNUS(ABLE TO LEVEL UP PAST LEVEL 120), YOU WILL STILL NEED ANOTHER REVAMPED KNIGHT OF CYGNUS FOR LEVEL 30 EMPRESS BLESSING. The characters that require you to train them to level 100, do NOT have link skills, i. e. explorers which are NOT Zen and NOT Cannon Shooter 82161)8217 refers to the main character. Details of individual cards and card combination effects: facebooknotessoh-jiong-haomaplesea-boosting-your-mains-damage-range-part-1-of-2-character-card-combination430790163683044 Equip character cards via 8216Character Card8217 at the right of the character selection screen. Details of empress blessing (important details for levels 25 to level 30 empress blessing) and link skills: facebooknotessoh-jiong-haomaplesealv30lv150-revamped-koc-empress-blessingknight-of-cygnus-blessing-of-the-430780557017338 Empress Blessing: 30 weaponmagic attack to all OTHER characters (EXCEPT the revamped knight of cygnus giving this boost. ), when the revamped knight of cygnus giving this boost is at level 150 (important details for levels 25 to level 30 empress blessing): At levels 125, 130, 135, 140, 145 and 150, please accept the light bulb quest at the left of the screen, then use the revamped knight of cygnus beginner skill to return to Erev. Then, speak to NPC Nineheart to increase your empress blessing level to levels 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. 8211 Link skills: Pass them to the desired character, via beginner skills gt link management gt apprentice unchangeable. The character receiving a link skill can be changed after every midnight, and ONLY ONCE AFTER EVERY MIDNIGHT. Level 1 link skill is unlocked at level 70, except for Zero. Level 2 link skill is unlocked at level 120, except for Zero. Zero8217s link skill does not unlock at level 100 (the starting character level of Zero.) Zero8217s max link skill (level 5) unlocks after completion of the 2nd last Zero storyline quest at level 178. Completion of the last Zero storyline quest at level 180, unlocks the earning of EXP from Maple World and silent crusade for Zero. Important card combination effects: Each of the first 3 effects can only occur once in a card deck. 1. 3 rank S pirate cards equipped together: 6 monster defense ignored 2. 3 rank S magician cards equipped together: 8 max mp added to damage range 3. 3 rank S warrior cards equipped together: 8 max hp added to damage range 4. 3 rank S explorers, OR 3 rank S resistance, OR 3 rank S knights of cygnus equipped together, etc: 7 to all stats (Meaning that 6 or 9 rank S explorers equipped together give 7 to all stats, while 3 rank S explorers, 3 rank S resistance and 3 rank S knighs of cygnus equipped together give a total of 21 to all stats) One character can only inherit up to 12 link skills from other characters. Index list:(To facililate finding using CtrlF. Just CtrlF 82168217 two times, without the quotation marks, where. is the index number, as shown below.) PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPECIAL NOTE, IF ANY. THANK YOU. 8211 1 Main: Magicians (Primary stat INT, secondary stat LUK) 8211 2 Main: Demon Avenger(warrior). (Primary stat HP, secondary stat STR) 8211 3 Main: Dark Knight(warrior). (Primary stat STR, secondary stat HP) 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. 8211 4 Main: Phantom(thief). (Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX) Skills to steal from explorers: EFFECTS OF STOLEN SKILLS ARE REDUCED. (LESS POWERFUL) 2nd job: Rage from a Hero 3rd job: Cross Over Chain from a Dark Knight 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. 4th job: Final Cut from a Dual Blade 8211 5 Main: Xenon(thiefpirate hybrid). (Primary stats STR, DEX and LUK, NO secondary stat) 8211 6 Main: Thief which is NOT Phantom and NOT Xenon. (Primary stat LUk, secondary stat DEX) 8211 7 Main: Warrior, Bowman or Pirate, which is NOT Demon Avenger, NOT Dark Knight and NOT Xenon. (Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for such warriors, Primary Stat DEX, secondary stat STR for such bowmen, Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for Cannon Shooter, viper and striker, AND Primary stat DEX, secondary stat STR for Angelic Buster, Captain and Zen) 8211 PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE SPECIAL NOTE, IF ANY. THANK YOU. 1 Main: Magician with NO link skill(Primary stat INT, secondary stat LUK) . . . SPECIAL NOTE: (IF YOUR JOB IS LUMINOUS, YOU DO NOT NEED TO TRAIN ANOTHER CHARACTER WHICH IS OF YOUR MAIN8217S JOB, THAT IS, THE LIST BELOW WILL BE SHORTENED BY 1 CHARACTER IN THAT CASE. ) OF COURSE, YOU NEED TO CREATE AND TRAIN THAT MAIN CHARACTER FIRST, BEFORE TRAINING OTHER CHARACTERS TO BOOSTS ITS DAMAGE RANGE. . . . 1) lv100 Main Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus 3) lv120 Kanna 4) lv120 Demon Avenger 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 11) lv120 Luminous 12) lv100 (Ice, Lightning Archmage) 13) lv100 Viper 14) lv180 Zero 15) lv120 Phantom 16) lv100 Dark Knight NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. Rank S CARD COMBINATION for magicians (magic damage type) jobs:Primary stat INT, secondary stat LUK 8211 Bishop, IceLightning Archmage, FirePoison Archmage, Flame Wizard, Battlemage(a non-magic guard type magician). Luminous, Kanna 8211 Zen Viper Cannon Shooter, Dark Knight Hayato Demon Avenger, (IceLightning) Archmage Luminous Kanna. facebookmapleseafreebossrunsmediasetseta.524751790953547.1073741839.100002561932116038type3 2 Main: Demon Avenger(warrior). (Primary stat HP, secondary stat STR) 1) lv120 Main Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus 3) lv120 Kanna 4) lv120 Xenon 5) lv120 Hayato 6) lv120 Cannon Shooter 7) lv120 Zen 8) lv120 Angelic Buster 9) lv120 Demon Slayer 10) lv120 Kaiser 11) lv100 Dark Knight 12) lv120 Luminous 13) lv100 (Ice, Lightning) Archmage 14) lv100 Viper 15) lv120 Eunwol 16) lv180 Zero 17) lv120 Phantom NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. DEMON AVENGER (Primary stat HP, secondary stat STR): EunWol Xenon Viper, Kaiser Dark Knight Hayato, Luminous Kanna (Ice, Lightning) Archmage. facebookmapleseafreebossrunsmediasetseta.701293643299360.1073741859.100002561932116038type3 3 Main: Dark Knight(warrior). (Primary stat STR, secondary stat HP) 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. DARK KNIGHT (Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX, 3rd job Cross Surge(Cross Over Chain) skill boosts the dark knight8217s damage range by a of the unharmed buffed maximum HP of the dark knight): 1) lv120 Main Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 11) lv120 Kaiser 12) lv100 Viper 13) lv120 Luminous 14) lv180 Zero 15) lv120 Phantom NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. Zen Viper Cannon Shooter, Dark Knight Paladin Hayato, Angelic Buster Kaiser Xenon. facebookmapleseafreebossrunsmediasetseta.642055665889825.1073741850.100002561932116038type3 4 Main: Phantom(thief). (Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX) Skills to steal from explorers: EFFECTS OF STOLEN SKILLS ARE REDUCED. (LESS POWERFUL) 2nd job: Rage from a Hero 3rd job: Cross Over Chain from a Dark Knight 3rd job Cross Over Chain skill (individual skill buff) of Dark Knight, increases the damage range of the character using it more, if its unharmed buffed HP is higher. 4th job: Final Cut from a Dual Blade 1) lv120 Main Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 11) lv100 Dark Knight 12) lv100 Paladin 13) lv120 Luminous 14) lv100 (Ice, Lightning) Archmage 15) lv120 Eunwol 16) lv180 Zero NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. PHANTOM: Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX. (EXCEPT OTHER THIEVES) Dark knight card is needed due to Phantom being able to steal Dark Knight8217s Cross Surge (Cross Over Chain) skill, which boosts its damage range by a of its unharmed buffed HP. EunWol Angelic Buster Xenon, Hayato Dark Knight Paladin, (Ice, Lightning) Archmage Luminous Kanna. facebookmapleseafreebossrunsmediasetseta.661204123974979.1073741854.100002561932116038type3038uploaded3 5 Main: Xenon(thiefpirate hybrid). (Primary stats STR, DEX and LUK, NO secondary stat) 1) lv120 Main Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Hayato 6) lv120 Cannon Shooter 7) lv120 Zen 8) lv120 Angelic Buster 9) lv120 Demon Slayer 10) lv100 Viper 11) lv100 Paladin 13) lv120 Luminous 14) lv120 Zero 15) lv120 Phantom NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. Primary stats consisting of STR, DEX amp LUK. No secondary stat: XENON (thiefpirate hybrid) Zen Viper Cannon Shooter, Paladin Demon Avenger Hayato, Angelic Buster Kaiser Xenon. facebookmapleseafreebossrunsmediasetseta.563601727068553.1073741843.100002561932116038type3 8211 6 Main: Thief which is NOT Phantom and NOT Xenon. (Primary stat LUk, secondary stat DEX) Primary stat LUK, secondary stat DEX: (non-job hybrid thief type (NOT XENON) 8211 Night Lord, Shadower, Dual Blade) EXCEPT PHANTOM AND XENON 1) lv100 Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus 3) lv120 Demon Avenger 4) lv120 Kanna 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 10) lv100 Paladin 11) lv120 Luminous 12) lv120 (Ice, Lightning) Archmage 13) lv120 Eunwol 14) lv120 Zero 15) lv120 Phantom NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. EunWol Angelic Buster Xenon, Hayato Paladin Demon Avenger, (Ice, Lightning) Archmage Kanna Luminous. facebookmapleseafreebossrunsmediasetseta.701296493299075.1073741861.100002561932116038type3038uploaded3 7 Main: Warrior, Bowman or Pirate, which is NOT Demon Avenger, NOT Dark Knight and NOT Xenon. (Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for such warriors, Primary Stat DEX, seconddary stat STR for such bowmen, Primary stat STR, secondary stat DEX for Cannon Shooter, viper and striker, AND Primary stat DEX, secondary stat STR for Angelic Buster, Captain and Zen) . . . SPECIAL NOTE: (IF YOUR JOB IS HAYATO, CANNON SHOOTER, ZEN, ANGELIC BUSTER, DEMON SLAYER, KAISER, EUNWOL, OR ZERO, YOU DO NOT NEED TO TRAIN ANOTHER CHARACTER WHICH IS OF YOUR MAIN8217S JOB, THAT IS, THE LIST BELOW WILL BE SHORTENED BY 1 CHARACTER IN THAT CASE. ) OF COURSE, YOU NEED TO CREATE AND TRAIN THAT MAIN CHARACTER FIRST, BEFORE TRAINING OTHER CHARACTERS TO BOOSTS ITS DAMAGE RANGE. . . . 1) lv100 Main Characters to train to boost damage range: 2) level 150 revamped Knight of Cygnus 3) lv120 Kanna 4) lv120 Demon Avenger 5) lv120 Xenon 6) lv120 Hayato 7) lv120 Cannon Shooter 8) lv120 Zen 9) lv120 Angelic Buster 10) lv120 Demon Slayer 11) lv120 Kaiser 12) lv100 Paladin 13) lv120 Luminous 14) lv100 (Ice, Lightning Archmage) 15) lv120 Eunwol 16) lv180 Zero 17) lv120 Phantom NOTE: DO NOT use Eunwol8217s link skill for main. EunWol Angelic Buster Xenon, Hayato Kaiser Paladin, (Ice, Lightning Archmage) Kanna Luminous. facebookmapleseafreebossrunsmediasetseta.701296126632445.1073741860.100002561932116038type3 Thank you for reading this. I hope that this helps someone in some way. ) Dawnwad July 16, 2015 at 8:22 PMHi guys, I think this would be a good setup: 1st Set - Mechanic (buff duration) - Shade (minmax crit damage) - Random pirate 3 pirate set (defence ignore) Reasoning: buff duration less frequent rebuffing more dps, also more uptime for CD buffs. minmax crit damage is really good. Throw in any pirate (doesn8217t matter which as all other pirates cards are somewhat lacklustre) to complete the set for pirate because defence ignore is always good. 2nd Set - Zero (bonus exp) - Beast Tamer (defence ignore) - Hayato (min crit damage) Reasoning: bonus exp helps u level up faster, defence ignore to hit harder on bosses, and min crit damage is just another dps boost. 3rd Set - Aran (hp recovered on attack) - Evan (mp recovered on attack) - Mercedes (cool down reduction) 3 hero set (all stats boost) Reasoning: less time spent using pots means more time attacking more dps. Cooldown reduction can also be a massive increase to dps for some CD skills. if you8217re using a familiar for the hpmp recovery instead or if your character has passive hpmp recovery (or doesn8217t require mp at all), then I would swap the Evan and Aran cards with demon slayer8217s status resist and battle mage8217s damage reduction, or kanna and demon avenger8217s boss damage. What do you guys think Is this the best deck build Element June 24, 2015 at 4:12 PMAre Il Mage and blaze wizard final damage or magic attack Element June 24, 2015 at 4:05 PMCan a deck have 2 unique deck effects Ex. All 3 explorer Mage cards. Will it give both the magician set effect and explorer set effect I saw on another site it says we can only get 3 unique effects from decks. Xeo322 June 10, 2015 at 4:08 PMPowstrike: Xenon is both thief and pirate and can activate both set effects as needed when it is sloted. Powstrike June 7, 2015 at 1:16 AMFor the Kent deck build, the last deck consists of 2 pirates and a thief. Are there any particular reasons for not getting the pirate or thief deck set bonus Ayumilove Post author June 2, 2015 at 11:20 PMCsy21st: All 3 decks will take effect. Csy21st June 2, 2015 at 3:05 PMcurrently there are 3 decks, so only the first 2 decks affect or all 3 Paxton Ly May 21, 2015 at 3:59 PMIs zeropalidindark knight good Can I have two of the same set bonuses at one time, like say, two 8216Magical Storm8217 combos stacked together In other words, I have 2 decks of 6 Magician class character cards. Ayumilove Post author March 1, 2015 at 8:12 AMAlexNg: Let8217s take an example: Your account has 2 jobs. Level 200 Paladin and Level 100 Kaiser. Level 200 Paladin provides a multiplier physical damage of 2 in your deck card. When you are playing Kaiser, Kaiser8217s level will be multiplied by 2 and this produces 200 physical damage (Level 100 x 2 200). This damage will be added to the final damage of Kaiser8217s (after the deduction of enemy8217s defenses and skill multiplier). Assuming Kaiser deals 1000 damage to an enemy, heshe will now deal 1200 with Paladin8217s deck card bonus. AlexNg March 1, 2015 at 12:08 AMPaladin Final Physical Damage (0.511.52 Playing character level) what does it mean Unknown January 15, 2015 at 6:26 AMAyumilove thank u for replying to my comment hope maple will update it. Gd luck with future maplestory guides :D Ayumilove Post author January 14, 2015 at 7:41 AMUnknown: Previously they were only 2 decks and they have upgraded to 3 decks. I8217m not sure if they would want to increase 1 more deck. We will need to wait for the official announcement :D Unknown January 14, 2015 at 6:24 AMDo u think it8217s possible to have more than 3 decks in future maplestory It wld be useful Ayumilove Post author January 13, 2015 at 7:11 PMChuChuTrain: 8220Powerful Charge8221 is a unique deck effect. Therefore, having 2 warrior decks does not stack more than 1 Powerful Charge. This was tested with my characters (Mihile Dawn Warrior Dark Knight) (Demon Avenger Kaiser Aran). This limitation also extends to other 3-of-a-kind effects such as 8220Magical Storm8221, 8220Pinpoint Aim8221, 8220Pirate8217s Way8221, 8220Honor of Cygnus8221 etc. ChuChuTrain January 13, 2015 at 11:51 AMlets say if i have 2 warrior deck8230.will the Powerful Charge stack. . reephlex January 7, 2015 at 12:11 PMnar, yes the warrior8217s feat effect stacks, my question is however, does putting 6 different warrior classes give 16 of hp into damage or does powerful charge not stack nar January 5, 2015 at 2:02 AMcorrection: can all 3 decks contain rank S cards of different characters AND different jobs nar January 5, 2015 at 1:50 AMhi, i play msea. is it possible to have 3 decks of the same three-of-a-kind combo eg. if most of my non-cygnus characters are above level 100, can all 3 decks contain rank S cards of different characters and achieve 3 times the warrior8217s feat effect Sleipnir January 3, 2015 at 2:21 AMSorry, i meant final damage. Sleipnir January 3, 2015 at 2:20 AMHi, Ayumi, by 8220playing character level,8221 does that mean that the level of my thunder breaker or paladin (no matter how low) does not affect the bonus damage i8217ll get let8217s say my thunder breaker is level 30, but my main character that i play is level 140, will i get a total of 5215140 bonus damage yuki November 27, 2014 at 10:19 AMHi, Ayumi, if you are free could you mind telling me if 3 warrior card and all S rank card stacked Just that phantom health is low, so im looking into maximising his health. Ayumilove Post author October 21, 2014 at 7:11 AMTribalArcher: Thanks for your feedback. Hayato Card Details has been corrected Ayumilove Post author October 21, 2014 at 7:11 AMSoFunny: Thanks for your feedback. Hayato Card Details has been corrected So Funny October 20, 2014 at 8:42 AMthe hayato info is wrong his card is min cri damage. Oz October 19, 2014 at 1:21 PMI used this to improve my Battle mages hit 3mages Luminous BaM(cuz i like it and is my main) IL so i get extra ILs dmg and lumins Int, also mp goes to dmg nad lumins link 15df ignore 3Warriors DK DW DS Not best cards but gets att buff on hp (notice that BaMs has lots of hp, extra hp from DK and boss dmg from Ds, the DW is cuz i had it from before card system it was my cygnus knight i recommend changing it for either kaiser or a paladin Xenon Phantom Sin Ok Xenon and phantom cuz of link skills also xenon at 120 gives 10 stats and 40 stats the 3 thief deck gives extra 4 min crit dmg, as my Bam has 90 crit chance (60 on skills 15 from phantom 10 on ring and 5 on a cape) improving my crit dmg was pretty much cool so i recomend this build, what do u think. XD TribalArcher October 18, 2014 at 11:38 AMThe Hayoto Card effect you have up there is incorrect. Hayoto gives increased minimum critical damage by 8220x8221. Not Crit rate. Ayumilove Post author October 13 , 2014 at 11:03 PMdarren: To answer the question regarding Buccaneer vs Paladin card effect, its best to use Buccaneer if your damage multiplier is below 2.5x. A level 200 paladin effect on another level 200 character provides 410 damage range. (Adds to your min-max damage in your stat window), whereas a level 200 Buccaneer effects on another level 200 character gives a nett 1000 damage to your total damage you have output to an enemy (bypasses the critical damageskill multiplier damageetc). darren October 13, 2014 at 9:40 AMdoes this mean that i can see an increase attack stat because at lvl 100 my buccaneer adds only 80 damage in the attack stat line for my lvl 143 demon slayer. dont know if its worth to make a paladin in this case Ayumilove Post author October 12, 2014 at 3:30 PMdarren: Paladin and Buccaneer are similar though. Just that both of them does not directly increases your Weapon Attack but added to the total damage. darren October 9, 2014 at 11:35 PMcan you explain more about paladin and buccaneer card i made a buccaneer to lvl 100 but it only increase the damage of my demon slayer by about 80. thus i am unsure if i should create paladin since its card is quite similar yet does not provide any link unlike other warrior classes Ayumilove Post author September 23, 2014 at 8:01 AMEmimen: Yeah, both Min and Max Critical for Hero Eunwol Card. Ayumilove Post author September 23, 2014 at 7:32 AMBlade: Thanks for your notice regarding the differences between these 2 pages. The correct one would be Final Physical Damage. If it was Weapon Attack, Paladin card will be too OP (Over Powered). Blade September 22, 2014 at 9:11 PMIn Paladin8217s Skill Build Guide, u stated his character card is Final Physical Damage increases per level but here its Weapon Attack increase per level. Which one is correct or did I misunderstood the term final physical damage. ) Ayumilove Post author August 26, 2014 at 8:02 AMjam: You could only have 1 unique job in the character card system. You can8217t have 3 paladin in 1 combination card, or 1 paladin in each 3 combination card. jam August 25, 2014 at 1:50 PMWouldn8217t the best dmg be 3 palidan 200 cards Ltohack August 21, 2014 at 2:31 PMHayato8217s character card skill is minimum crit damage (On GMS atleast). I don8217t know its exact values but at S rank it8217s 6 more minimum crit damage. Emimen July 22, 2014 at 10:21 AMHero Eunwol card Bonus Effects (in) and Max Critical Damage 1235 in OO Min right Ashdown July 20, 2014 at 8:13 AMHi Ayumi I am somewhat new to MapleStory and now have a level 165 Phantom. What cards would you recommend for me to have if I8217m going to main him The pure damage deck seems very tempting, but perhaps there8217s a better option Since I haven8217t played much, it8217s difficult for me to get to that 8220funded8221 level. I am working my way there, but until then, would that pure damage deck maximize my efficiency as a Phantom VamosRamos July 19, 2014 at 5:20 PMHi ayumilove, what would you suggest if I wanted to main a wildhunter Thanks :) Ayumilove Post author July 17, 2014 at 11:21 PMHi Hank, here is a suggestion (Zero Demon Avenger Hayato) warrior deck set 3 Link Skills, and (Mercedes Phantom Eunwol) mix deck set 3 Link Skills. You will need to do some research on your side, whether you can play them till level 100 without getting bored and also whether you are interested in using those link skills more than the stats provided by the deck card. You will need to weigh your options :) Hank July 17, 2014 at 10:34 PMif i want to play a Angelic buster, what character card and what link skill are best i only have 6 character slot jerry June 24, 2014 at 10:40 AMDear ayumi, So ice lightning and blaze wizard give m. atk per lv or magic damage per lv Ayumilove Post author June 24, 2014 at 6:27 AMJerry: Magic Attack is the value that multiplies your Magic Damage. The source of magic attack can be obtained from equipment. jerry June 24, 2014 at 2:07 AMdear ayumi, the flame wizard add magic attack or magic damage. what was the different between magic attack and magic damage Ayumilove Post author June 23, 2014 at 10:02 PMKC: Its added upon your total net damage against an enemy (after deduction of enemy8217s defense). Also, the damage boost is minuscule. I would pick up other warrior types just to get a warrior deck (e. g. Zero Demon Avenger Dark Knight) Ayumi. I want to ask how does the damage per level character card work Is it shown in our attack range or something else Cause I don8217t see any difference in my damage after putting them together. Kreami June 12, 2014 at 9:05 AMSo Ayumi, which would you prefer in a third deck for pure dmg Pinpoint Aim or Weak Point Targeting. It can either be Xenon, Jett, Angelic Buster. Or Xenon, Dual Blade, Phantom. Decks I already have: Powerful Charge Deck 1. Kaiser, Hayato, and Demon Avenger. Magical Storm Deck 2: Luminous, Kanna, Beast Tamer List of Cards I have (All S): DK, DB, Jett, DS, Kaiser, Lumi, AB, Kanna, Hayato, Xenon, DA, WA, BT, Phan, IL Mage. What set of character cards would you recommend for Demon Slayer and Viper JiaChen June 8, 2014 at 2:16 AMWhat set of character cards would you recommend for Phantom Ayumilove Post author May 27, 2014 at 6:32 AMsniper: All warrior card deck (Aran, Kaiser, Demon Avenger) (Mihile, Dawn Warrior, Dark Knight) (Luminous, Battle Mage, Kanna) just for its bonus 3-deck card effect. sniper May 26, 2014 at 6:37 PMWhat set of character cards would you recommend for Demon Avenger SoFarSoFail May 26, 2014 at 10:43 AMAyumilove: Ahh I see8230. Thank you so much for your prompt clarification. Btw, is Hayato card effect Critical Rate 1234 or 2468 Some other guide stated that its 2468. I8217m not sure which is the right one though. Just so you know.. Ayumilove Post author May 26, 2014 at 6:37 AMSoFarSoFail: At the point the guide was made, there was only 2 card decks. MapleStory has increased the limit to 3 card decks. Xenon is considered both Thief and Pirate. So you can mix Xenon with 2 Thief Cards (Shadower Night Lord) or 2 Pirate Cards (Buccaneer Gunslinger). SoFarSoFail May 26, 2014 at 2:28 AMHi, I8217ve got some questions. Well can say that I8217m confused actually. From the 3rd deck KENT Deck Build suggested to include Angelic buster buccaneer Xenon for Ignore 6 Def effect. If im not mistaken the def effect will only take place when there8217s 3 Pirate job in the deck. Is Xenon consider a Thief or Pirate PS you mentioned on the introduction 8220You will be provided 2 card decks8221. Is it not 3 actually Please correct me if I8217m wrong. Does this mean that kanna will not get any bonus damage from the Magical Storm Set Kinda hard figuring out the best setup for kanna since she is the only mage without mana Ayumilove Post author May 9, 2014 at 6:59 AMlifeless: Thanks for the notice I have added Luminous into the table and Zen at the bottom part. lifeless May 8, 2014 at 2:40 PMthe job bonus effect table is missing luminous while the bottom part is missing zen solidice8 April 20, 2014 at 11:50 AMsCxLumi that8217s not the case. 3 S Rank Cygnus VS 3 S Rank Explorers You8217ll noticed that Cygnus set is missing that 5 all stats I imagine that they8217ll fix it when Night Walker and Blaze Wizard gets revamped as well. sCxLumi February 7, 2014 at 10:31 AMIsnt the cygnus have S and SS grade since some Cygnus had revamped Ayumilove Post author February 5, 2014 at 11:24 AMDizzykiller: Xenon character card can be used as a ThiefPirate (example: Xenon Angelic Buster Corsair OR Xenon Dual Blade Night Lord). Tested in GMS v145. Dizzykiller January 23, 2014 at 6:28 PMAyumilove. may I ask Xenon consider theif card or pirate card And let8217s say if I put xenon in 1st deck with another 2 theif, and as my 2nd 2 pirate..which set bonus will active Ayumilove Post author January 17, 2014 at 10:17 AMJohn Paul: Thanks for the note I8217ll add them right away :) John Paul January 17, 2014 at 3:10 AMZero8217s Character card system is quite different if you feel like editing it :o Lv 120 8211 B Lv 140 8211 A Lv 160 8211 S Lv 200 8211 SS Ayumilove Post author January 8, 2014 at 10:01 PMDays: They should stack with one another since both are from different classes. I have yet to test it. Please feedback if you manage to test it :) Days January 8, 2014 at 3:20 PMHello Ayumi, does marksman and hayato link skill stack both adding critical Eomin December 15, 2013 at 1:22 AMIs the warrior set bonus based on max hp or base hp ltohack December 6, 2013 at 4:29 PMDoes anyone know if the Three-of-a-kind Deck bonuses stack For example, if I were to have three decks made with characters of all S rank: Deck 1: Paladin-Demon Slayer-Demon Avenger Deck 2: Hayato-Dark Knight-Hero Deck 3: Mihile-Dawn Warrior-Kaiser Would I recieve 3x Warriors Feat (3 Rank S Cards ATK, HP and MP 8211 ATK 3, M. ATK 3, Boss ATK 3, HP 700, MP 700) and 3x Powerful Charge (3 Warrior Cards HP bonus damage 8211 8) That would be 24 bonus damage from Hp lol. Ieatmonkey December 1, 2013 at 9:15 PMto Teddy, yes that set works, i8217m currently using that set bonus with all 3 of em at rank S, and giving 6 ignore def as a set bonus. lego101 November 29, 2013 at 5:24 PMhello ayumi. As you know, the RED patch is coming soon to GMS, so i decided to open the new cleric. i have a lot of cards, and i dont know which decks combination will be the best. my cards are: mrcedes-A, cannoner-B, demon slayer-A, phantom-A, luminous-S, kaiser-B, aran-B, angelic-B, kanna-B, hayato-A, thunder braker-B and spearman-B. I really apprecaite if you8217ll help me Teddy November 29, 2013 at 2:27 AMHi ayumi just wondering the pirate set deck can I have like a striker bucc and xenon and still get the effect Angrybirds November 28, 2013 at 9:56 PMHow can i get a deck that adds both luk and wepon attack Ayumilove Post author November 28, 2013 at 5:58 AMHi Shulily, they are not the same. Damage and weapon attack are totally different. 1 Weapon Attack would produce around 30-50 damage depending on your job. Claw with higher attack than average would produce more damage compared to a sword if used by an Assassin. SHULILY November 27, 2013 at 10:48 PMhello ayumi. i love all your guides. when i need help or im confused about something i check your guides. all are a big help thanks my question is about the 82203 damage per lvl8221 can you pls clear me that part this is how i understands it. 3 per lvl i multiply 3 to my current lvl e. g 3215150 giving me 450 damage. is that correct wait ummm. nvm8230 i thought damage and weapon attack are the same thing lol. my bad Pandi November 26, 2013 at 7:07 PMDo you think you could update the 8220LIST OF BEST CARD COMBINATIONS8221 uchihajaw November 26, 2013 at 7:46 AMpaladin att 1.5 is better then bucanner Ayumilove Post author November 18, 2013 at 7:18 PMHi Leonid, thanks for the feedback on the Hayato Card :D I learnt something new from you too Leonid November 18, 2013 at 5:57 PMwell this is embarrassing, apparently you have to have 2nd job before you can use even the first card. i got the 2nd job for my hayato and the it was the hayato card Leonid November 18, 2013 at 5:45 PMHi Ayumilove, i got a lvl 49 cannoneer, lvl 91 dawn warrior and just go a lvl 30 hayato and i have no idea why i cant find a card for hayato it only shows 2 card. i got hayato so i can get a warrior set cause my dawn warrior has like no mp capacity. so can you help me understand why i got no third card, do i have to get to higher lvl or get second job first Thank you in advance amyumilove Juniar November 13, 2013 at 1:18 AMhello Ayumilove. i want to ask that if i have 6 mage. can i get double Magician Damage Boosting Deck SoR0XaS November 9, 2013 at 3:01 PMlalalalala, yes it does. lalalalala November 8, 2013 at 1:06 AMis evan and luminous counted as magician. for example if i were to have luminous evan and icelightning in one set does it count as 3 magician cards. O Ayumilove Post author October 8, 2013 at 4:06 AMHi PyreXiaVzla, you can have several Warrior8217s Feat Bonus. If you have 2 Decks that meets that requirements, you have 2 Warrior8217s Feat. PyreXiaVzla October 5, 2013 at 9:28 AMHi Ayumilove, thank you so much for providing us the best guide for maple I have a question though, let say I have Deck 1, a Rank S Luminous a Rank S Mercedes a Rank S Phantom this deck will give me the bonus of 8220Warrior8217s Feat8221 and 8220The Glorious Return8221 correct If I equip my Deck 2, a Rank S IP Mage a Rank S Luminous a Rank S Battle Mage Will I have another bonus of 8220Warrior8217s Feat8221 or I can only receive 1 8220Warrior8217s Feat8221 from 2 decks Please correct me if I8217m wrong. Thanks a lot Ayumilove Post author October 1, 2013 at 4:06 AMHi GW, it only adds few damage to your total damage, not weapon attack. GW September 30, 2013 at 1:30 AMHi ayumi, about paladin card info. Does it add weapon attk per lvl And baucaneer, what does bonus dmge per level mean It adds to ur rangeto ur dmge applied on boss SoR0XaS September 23, 2013 at 12:35 AMXenon AB Striker (6 def ignored) S rank Pirate8217s way Captain DB Crossbowmaster ( all stat 7) S rank Free Spirit Kaiser DA Mihile ( 8 hp to bonus damage) S rank powerful charge Hope this helps Leonid September 22, 2013 at 6:26 PMHi Ayumilove, thx for your help but i for got to mention that my Cygnus knight is i magician and and not one of the 3 that got buffed so i he can only go up to 120 and i don8217t know if any of those are an issue. Ayumilove Post author September 17, 2013 at 6:45 AMHi Leonid, perhaps MapleStory developers have yet to update Cygnus Knight card rank yet even though they have implemented the Cygnus Awakening patch. Leonid September 15, 2013 at 1:52 PMHi Ayumilove, i was just wondering why dont i get a second triple S effect when i have a triple S effect and in the second set have 2 lvl 140 cards with one cygnus knight at lvl 120 is it because cygnus knights dont count or someting like that proSnapple September 3, 2013 at 4:29 PMFor all explorer theif, SPEED and JUMP is mandatory. technically this make theives useless. A noob August 22, 2013 at 4:56 AMMarksman (Critical chance) 1234 vs Hayato (Critical Rate) 1234 Don8217t these two mean the same thing Edwin August 19, 2013 at 7:27 AMizzit now Cygnus up to 200 lvl can get SS card in MapleSea Kent August 13, 2013 at 2:22 PMhm maybe the 3 of a kind bonus section can be improved to split into 8220unique deck bonuses(only can have one of each)8221 and 8220stack-able deck bonuses8221 all those bonuses that start with 8220warrior8217s 8230 to completed warrior are stack-able. Magical storm and the rest that require a specific combination are unique, and can only provide the bonuses once. Amosai August 12, 2013 at 12:48 AMHi Can i ask if i have 6 magician cards, is it possible for me to get 2 magical storm decks Would they stack Thanks in advance for the answer Special Note: This website is GREAT Helped a lot when i started maplestory Keep it up Kent August 7, 2013 at 10:34 PMSome minor changes that can be made to the card deck build, replace Angelic Buster with striker to further increase damage, and if u boss a lot u may want to replace paladin with Demon Avenger for a little more damage on bosses. So the new deck builds I use as shown below 1) Dark knight Kaiser paladin( 4 hp 40 Str 1.5 x level damage) 8 hp to damage 2) Battle mage Evan FP mage( -4 damage taken 70 chance to restore 6 mp 4mp) 8 mp to damage 3) Striker buccaneer Xenon ( 4 damagelevel 4 damagelevel 20 strlukdex) ignore 6 def The second deck build 2) can be replaced by 3 thieves for 3 max crit damage ( only for characters with high crit rate 70 or more to be effective) You can do the calculations to see either 3 thieves or 3 Mage gives you a better damage boost, e. g. a 17k range 4k mp, 0.08 x 4000 320 damage from mp, 0.7 x 0.03 x 17000 357 effective damage increase(not shown in range) which makes 3 thieves only slightly better in this case. Another thing, I8217m not sure if total damage increase (wild rageelementalism potential from weapons) affects these damage increase whether from buccaneerstriker hp to range mp to range. Has anyone tried it Does it add the damage before or after the total damage multiplier has been applied Finally, status resist etc, utility wise, I can get enough from link skills. therefore I choose to maximise damage for Deck builds Ayumilove Post author August 4, 2013 at 1:12 PMThanks for your input Guilt, probably I could try our your deck card combination once I have my Dark Knight and Battle Mage setup :) Guilt August 4, 2013 at 9:26 AMMy all-purpose warrior setup: 1.) Dark Knight Max HP, Kaiser STR, Hayato Min. Crit. Dmg. gt 3 Warrior Bonus. 2.) Angelic Buster DEX, Xenon STRDEXLUK, Mechanic Buff Duration gt 3 Pirate Bonus. 3.) Battle Mage Dmg. Reduction, Demon Slayer Status Resist, Demon Avenger Boss Dmg. gt 3 Resistance Bonus. It doesn8217t completely maximize damage, but since the Bucc and Pally effects are negligible even at lvl 200, I8217ve foregone them for more utility. Likewise, as warriors don8217t exactly have the highest MP, I8217ve found more success with the diverse effects of various Resistance cards than with the 3 Magician Bonus. Kent July 31, 2013 at 11:10 PMyep tried it too, doesn8217t work, upon inspection I found that it read unique deck bonus, which means you can only have 1 type of deck bonus, 8220powerful charge Pirate8217s Way. etc 8220 izoZZZ July 28, 2013 at 1:20 PMhmm tried making 2 decks of warrior(consisting of 6 different warriors) didnt work to get the additional 8 hp added to damage Kent July 22, 2013 at 10:28 PMThat8217s also an interesting idea, I8217ve never tried that myself, was just playing around with the characters i already created. Maybe I8217ll try that out, and if i do. ill post if you can stack 2 powerful charges. izoZZZ July 21, 2013 at 11:03 PMKent build looks interesting, BUt if i were to change it from 2) Battle mage Evan FP mage( -4 damage taken 70 chance to restore 6 mp 4mp) 8 mp to damage to Demon AvengerDemon Slayer(any other warrior ie aranhero) Would the 8 hp added to dmg stack with 1 Ayumilove Post author July 14, 2013 at 8:26 AMThanks Kent for sharing your MapleStory Deck Card Build Other players might find it useful to learn how to increase their current damage. Kent July 14, 2013 at 12:17 AMMy 3 decks, for maximum damage, not including cygnus chars 1) Dark knight Kaiser paladin( 4 hp 40 Str 1.5 x level damage) 8 hp to damage 2) Battle mage Evan FP mage( -4 damage taken 70 chance to restore 6 mp 4mp) 8 mp to damage 3) Angelic buster buccaneer Xenon ( 40 dex 4 damagelevel 20 strlukdex) ignore 6 def Or for mage 1) Dark knight aran paladin 2) luminous IL mage FP mage 3) Buccaneer xenon Cannoneer or Angelic Buster anonymous July 13, 2013 at 11:03 PMI think it was a mistranslation they did from kms, probably 150 physical damage(ATT) 150 damage to your range Colin July 10, 2013 at 3:46 PMhey Ayumi, I8217m just curious about something : Buccaneer (Bonus damage per level) 2345 Paladin (ATK per level) 0.511.52 this means per character level right like for Buccaneer, if I8217m lvl 100 it adds 500dmg to my range. and for Pala8217s card, if I8217m lvl 100, it adds 150 atk and atk meaning damage range or atk as in Weapon Attack Ayumilove Post author June 25, 2013 at 11:47 PMHi Dylan, probably I guess Xenon can fit in both roles (pirate and thief). Dylan June 25, 2013 at 1:48 AMMy Deck was: Hayato Kaiser Paladin I think this works best for Kaiser, what do you thinkt Btw, if I did a set of 3 thieves or 3 pirates, would Xenon be pirate or thief bryan June 23, 2013 at 7:45 PMhmm what is your opinon on aran card do you think it is good Ayumilove Post author June 21, 2013 at 7:15 AMHi iDreamyDark, net damage is acquired by subtracting from physical defense, whereas net magic damage is acquired by subtracting from magical defense. If you are a non-magician hitting on a high-magic-defense monster, your damage will not be reduced by it. Therefore, to train efficiently, you need to know your monsters specs :) Some of the high magic defense monsters are pixies (star, lunar, sun). Warriors love to train on them but they deal quite a punch with magic attacks. If you could kill them within 1-2 hits quickly, you avoid receiving magic damage. iDreamyDark June 20, 2013 at 11:18 PMAyumi i was wondering is their a diffrence between Damage in general and Magic Damage Kelvin June 20, 2013 at 5:16 AMCan I have 1 hero set n 1 resistance set together micklyo June 16, 2013 at 10:51 AMWhat is the different between Critical Rate (Hayato) amp Critical chance (Marksman) Thanks in advance. Joel Chan June 16, 2013 at 8:23 AMDoes Luminous count as a Magician card Ayumilove Post author June 14, 2013 at 11:46 PMHi bryan, thanks for highlighting the missing Zen Grade Bonus Effects. Could any Zen players share what effects they provide bryan June 14, 2013 at 11:01 PMAyumilove Post author June 11, 2013 at 11:54 PMHi Joe, I have updated Blaze Magician Rank B and Rank A stats. Thanks for the notice Blaze Mage B rank 0.5ma, A rank 1ma per lv. Not . gt. lt. Benard Peh Chong Lin June 9, 2013 at 12:19 AMIf I got 6 Warriors of S rank, Can I make 2 Warrior Deck of Powerful charge 2x(8 Hp into damage) And how is the Hp damage being calculate Is the damage output of powerful charge higher than S rank Buccaneer amp Striker amp Xenon combine effect Take example if the Powerful charges has Paladin amp Aran amp Dark Knight. Effect on a Warrior class, maybe Kaiser I know there is a lot of calculations for the last question but if u can explain the maths of hp damage then mostly I will be able to calculate myself for the last question. Ayumilove Post author June 7, 2013 at 6:15 PMHi Anything, currently GMS has 2 decks. Maximum is 3 decks. Not sure if KMS has 5 decks. Anything June 7, 2013 at 1:37 PMIn msea we r allowed to use 3 decks Ayumilove Post author June 6, 2013 at 6:52 AMHi IxKatarax, they can stack with one another as long the link skills differs (different name skill from different jobs) IxKataraxI June 5, 2013 at 4:34 PMHi Ayumilove, thanks for the reply. Here is my last question. Is the paladin and baucanner card effect stackable Ayumilove Post author May 31, 2013 at 6:24 AMHi IxKataraxI, Paladin Card formula is something like this: For instance, you have SS Paladin Card (effect is 2x) and your Dual Blade (DB) is Level 100. Physical Damage Dual Blade Level Paladin Effect. So, 100 x 2 200 damage added to your physical damage range. So if your current Dual Blade physical damage range is 3000-4000, it will become 3200-4200. The higher your Dual Blade is, the more damage you will gain from Paladin Card Effect. However, for Buccaneer, it boost both physical and magical damage, and does it alot more than Paladin. For example, you have SS Buccaneer Character Card (effect is 5x) and your Dual Blade (DB) Level is 100, Physical and Magical Damage Dual Blade Level Buccaneer Card Effect, 500 100 x 5. If your current damage range is 3000-4000, it will become 3500-4500 for both magician and non-magician. In short, go get the Buccaneer Character Card if you want to link to Magician and Non-Magician. IxKataraxI May 31, 2013 at 4:42 AMHi Ayumilove, Firstly, i would like to thank you for the guides, its really good and I had recommended to my friends. I have one question about the card effect on paladin and baucanner. For baucanner (plus 3 dmge per lvl),lets say i have a lvl 100 baucanner, does it mean that my db will receive 3100 dmge as wellIf it is, can it be stacked with paladin8217s dmge (1 weapon dmge per lvl) Please please reply asap. I would like to train both if there is dmge added to my db :) Many thanks Ayumilove Post author May 22, 2013 at 5:07 AMThanks Jose Kok for the compliment :) Jose Kok May 21, 2013 at 11:02 PMayumi. your guide is the best D Ah Jin May 15, 2013 at 10:58 PMIs Striker and Thunder Breaker the same jobWhy they are Adding different stats Ayumilove Post author May 11, 2013 at 9:44 PMSorry RaikaZero for the slow reply. Was busy preparing for exams :( I have added Xenon Card stats into the list. Thanks for the reminder Ayumilove Post author May 11, 2013 at 9:43 PMHi Collis, Buccaneer would be better than Paladin. Ayumilove Post author May 11, 2013 at 9:42 PMHi Jeremy, it only applies to your total base damage. Obviously its not weapon attack or magic attack. Otherwise, it will be to overpowered :D Ayumilove Post author May 11, 2013 at 9:41 PMHi Edward, 3 Warrior Cards means any job which is a warrior (can equip warrior armor) is a warrior. For example, Dawn Warrior is a Warrior. Mihile is a warrior. Warrior can be from different categories such as Cygnus Knight, Resistance, Legends, Explorer, Nova, Sengoku. Ayumilove Post author May 11, 2013 at 9:39 PMHi Bubbles, to answer your question, three-of-a-kind deck effect is stackable. Ayumilove Post author May 11, 2013 at 9:38 PMHi cheh1, I have added Luminous DeckCard Stats Benefits :) Hello Ayumi. You seem to be missing Luminous from the list Jeremy May 10, 2013 at 2:40 PMfor the pure damage deck does the 3 damage for buccaneer and thunder breaker apply to both wa and ma or does it apply to wa only Bubbles May 8, 2013 at 12:49 AMHi Ayumilove and all, Just wondering if anyone happen to know whether the three-of-a-kind deck effect is stackable For example, if I have 6 unique warrior cards 8211 hero, dark knight, aran, mihile, paladin, demon slayer, does that mean that I would have 2 times of 8220Powerful Charge (3 Warrior Cards HP bonus damage)8221 effect Thanks in advance. ) edward April 19, 2013 at 6:47 PMi was wondering, 3 Warrior Cards mean any character that is using warrior equipment or must be Dark Knight, Paladin n Hero collis April 9, 2013 at 10:47 AMwhat the different of 3 damage per level (Buccaneer) and 1 Weapon Damage per level (Paladin). which more better. which card shld i get collis April 7, 2013 at 9:06 PMhi, i play maplesea and i had done my lvl 120 stricker and planning to create a ua to get the nice dmg character card. To create paladin or buccaneer which better to boost my main WH dmg. any suggestion for me. thx and appreaciate alot. Hollow April 7, 2013 at 4:24 AMHi I have three characters a hayato, kanna, and demon slayer. I8217m wondering which would give my characters more of a damage boost in the long run. - Deleting my kanna and creating another warrior in order to get the 3 warrior card set - keeping my kanna and using its link skill (10 damage) and if I were to pick another warrior to make what options should i consider RaikaZero April 4, 2013 at 2:02 PMDarkwizzie It stacks, I have 2 Warrior8217s Feats amp The Glorious Return. Also Ayumi you forgot Xenon card. Darkwizzie April 3, 2013 at 7:10 PMI assume bonus set effects don8217t stack 3 adventurers level 200 will get the level 200 set effect, instead of having 3 adventurer set effect. Neph March 21, 2013 at 5:40 PMHow does buccaneer and pally8217s atackdmg per lvl works And does Marksman8217s critical chance have any diff from critical rate Answers would be much appreciated. RaikaZero March 16, 2013 at 8:08 AMThe Sengoku class has a custom card. It appears to be white. Possibly having it own deck. AznInQuestion February 6, 2013 at 10:10 PMOkay Thanks Ayumi Darkstar February 6, 2013 at 3:12 PMnice post8230 what8217s the difference between Damage amp Weapon attack and which one is better TQ for your kind reply :) Ayumilove Post author February 6, 2013 at 1:37 PMHi AznInQuestion, all jobs that can reach level 200 is based on the following grade system: (Grade B. 30-59). (Grade A: 60-99). (Grade S: 100-199). (Grade SS: 200). Cygnus Knights which have a maximum level cap of 120 follows this grading system: (Grade B: 30-69). (Grade A. 70-120). AznInQuestion February 6, 2013 at 12:01 PMThanks for the post and are you sure it is still 120 I have a Mihile and he is level 100 but has a S card grade is that for all classes but cygnus and evans just my curiosity sorry if it is bothersome Ayumilove Greetings Welcome to ayumilove Leave a comment on the article if you spot mistakes or would like to share some info not shown here or notify if guide is outdated or missing something Please consider whitelisting ads here to support this website Click here to contact me via e-mail. Getting Started MapleStory Useful Guides MapleStory Skill Build GuideA sound and look that sands out, this a great guitar for playing live. The Taylor 614ce MapleSpruce Grand Auditorium Acoustic-Electric Guitar is great for live performance situations, easily able to hold its own with the rest of the band. The 614ce-N is a visual standout, too with jaw-dropping maple figure available in a selection of natural, color and sunburst finishes. Big Leaf MapleStika Spruce Bg leaf maple back and sides with a stika spruce top give the 614ce-N a crisp, bright tone that cuts through on stage. Grand Auditorium (GA) The GA is Taylor most versatile and popular shape, excelling at light-touch fingerstyle and strumming. Great for micing and recording, the GA balanced mid-range and bright tone exemplify the Taylor voice. Expression System Using proprietary pickup technology developed at Taylor, the Expression System amplifies your guitar with a natural live sound. Onboard tone controls provide added flavor, or set flat for an uncolored, exceptionally-clean amplified sound. It your tone, amplified. TypeShape: 6-String Grand Auditorium Back and sides: Big leaf maple Top: Western Sitka spruce Soundhole rosette: Abalone Neck: Hard rock maple Fretboard: Ebony Fretboard inlay: Twisted Oval Headstock overlay: Ebony Binding: White Bridge: Ebony Nut and saddle: Tusq Tuning machines: Gold-plated Taylor Tuners Strings: Elixir light gauge strings with NANOWEB Coating Scale length: 25-12 Truss rod: Adjustable Neck width at nut: 1-34 Number of frets: 20 Fretboard radius: 15 Bracing: Standard II (forward shifted pattern) Finish: Gloss Cutaway: Venetian Electronics: Taylor Expression System If you are playing acoustic live, you need to order this guitar now. 614ce MapleSpruce Grand Auditorium Acoustic-Electric Guitar Comments about Taylor 614ce MapleSpruce Grand Auditorium Acoustic-Electric Guitar : A guitar that destroys almost anything you once considered a guitar. It stands among the best sounding acoustic guitars and is at a price worth paying if you have any love of playing guitar. I remember the first chord i played, the first time i picked one up for a test run at a guitar shop i pass by for university. I play finger style guitar and this guitar suits it perfectly, as everything sounds great. I havent seen anything like this under its value. From then on-wards i was determined to get one. Had no money, i got a job just to get it. And i love it. If you ask if its ok to love a guitar. play one and see for yourself. p 1010. Comments about Taylor 614ce MapleSpruce Grand Auditorium Acoustic-Electric Guitar : This guitar has it all. Fast neck, awesome tone, beautiful finish, sounds great acoustically and plugged in. I play this through a fishman performer amp and the satisfaction is fantastic. I hear people criticize Taylor as being overpriced (for doctors and lawyers) but I can tell you this guitar is worth every penny. As with all Taylors, there is plenty of control at your fingertips for shaping sound and controlling volume. Be prepared for a lifetime of quality from this instrument. selling it or trading it in is just not an option Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend this to a friend Finest instrument I have ever owned Awesome Pickup System Beautiful finish Big sound Excellent Playablility Flawless craftsmanship Great tone Comments about Taylor 614ce MapleSpruce Grand Auditorium Acoustic-Electric Guitar : This guitar is absolutely the finest instrument I have ever owned. I was playing an old dreadnought for the past 3 years and decided it was time to get myself something more professional since I am performing several times a week. My first Sunday playing my 614ce at church, EVERYONE in the choir noticed how much better and how much more beautiful it sounded. I plug straight into our sound system with a direct box and the expression system just shines with the most glorious tone imaginable I can leave all the eq and tone settings straight up and it sounds perfect I could go on all day about how much I love this guitar I am inspired to be a better guitarist and my performances and practice time are so much more enjoyable now A wonderful purchase and investment for any professional Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend this to a friend from Central Coast California Comments about Taylor 614ce MapleSpruce Grand Auditorium Acoustic-Electric Guitar : I purchased my 05 614ce a few years ago and I still love it to death. I looked at all the Taylors and the other competing brands but the 614ce seemed to beckon to me because of its effortless playability, balanced tone, and stunning appearance. The maple is a gorgeous wood, and my particular model has a gorgeous flame pattern to it. I have played this guitar hard now for a few years, and the wood has opened up wonderfully. The sparkling top end is still there, but the mid and low range have expanded to give this guitar a wonderful and full sound. It came equipped with the original ES (AA Batteries, 2 body Sensors, and no LED) which sounded drop dead fantastic. Iquotve had a little trouble with the electronics though and it needed some cleaning. I am thinking about sending it in to Taylor to upgrade the ES to their new ES (9v, LED, 1 sensor). You wont be disappointed in this guitar. The feel, sound, and look are unbelievable.

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